We Have Been Silenced

Experiencers, contactees, abductees, we have many names. We KNOW there is more to this world
we live in than we have been taught. Our realities have been expanded. But instead of being able
to shout our experiences to the world we are silenced by our sensibilities. We know how others
will react to our experiences so we stay hidden. We hide the scars and sense of wonder. We stay
behind a shawl of never saying too much. It’s time for that to change.


It has changed!

With over 400 members interacting and sharing blog posts, photos and comments we have the only truly private and non-corporate environment out there for people who wish to remain anonymous. Come and share and read or ask questions.

A New Idea

Never before has there been a social community created for Experiencers by Experiencers
On Stellarpax you may divulge as much or as little as you wish, you can create a separate identity
or be your real world self. We understand what you need, a safe haven. A place to keep your name
and identity hidden or to stand tall and come out of the closet. A place with no government
connections. A place that is secure on it’s own domain and server. A place where your information
is carefully protected. A place that allows you to have a new identity that will not show up when
your family or boss searches the internet for you. A place where you can share your experiences
in a safe and supportive environment. A place to meet other people with similar experiences
and use your email, our private messages, our forum, our social wall or even the phone
to get to know them.

Goals of the Stellarpax Community

To bring Experiencers, Contactees and Abductees together to create an online village
and community of support and caring.
To give Experiencers and those who support them a community where they can be anonymous
and free from discrimination and harassment.
To give Experiencers a platform from which they can share their experiences using words,
drawings, pictures or video.
To give Experiencers a place to discuss all aspects of the extraterrestrial presence
without fear or ridicule.
To help Experiencers find the service providers and goods needed to help process and
understand their ET interactions and experiences.
To promote the truth that Extraterrestrial contact is now occurring on Earth.

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Features of Stellarpax

Fully Customizable Profile Page – Share your experiences or favorites with image, music and video uploads
Personal video, text or image blogs- Instant message other members- Following/Followers feature
Social Wall – Site search – Experiencer Share Pages – Large Forum – Great articles -Bookmarks

Please come and join us!

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