Stellarpax Social Wall

0 0 19-Aug-2015 01:10

Hi, guys! I hope you all are enjoying this lovely summer  !  

I thought I'd share a really cool article by Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. It's about a 2013 UFO captured on a military camera over Puerto Rico; it flew over land, dove into the ocean without losing speed, split into two pieces, and continued on its/their way. I'm sorry I cannot embed the film itself here, but a link is included in the article. Enjoy!   -Synchvida

0 0 15-Aug-2015 10:56

Tune out all negative thoughts and go to heart center. Focus on inspirations of Love. Many star seeds being targeted at lower chakra mind levels. Many starseed and ascension websites being harassed, Subliminal pulses carrying messages of hopelessness. This is not true. This is not you. Higher chakra mind is not accessible to the controllers' negative messaging. Raise vibration and do not fear. Please feel free to share this message if you feel guided to do so.

1 0 12-Aug-2015 12:16

Thank you for your comment. You said it so well. They are losing their grip as many awaken and this is only the first wave of three phases of our collective awakening! Many positive changes are happening and many long suppressed truths are being revealed. We are not alone on our individual and collective journey. There are powerful forces of high vibrational True Light on all levels, inner and outer, micro and macro. I have also experienced dark opposition to my awakening process as well and thought it was personal at first. It can be very confusing and frightening to experience but we are Truly Unconditionally Loved and supported and we can ask for extra assistance when we feel it is most needed. Our awakening is a gradual learning process. All has a purpose and All is One. Unconditional Love and Blessings to All. Namaste, Lyra

0 0 28-Oct-2015 00:00

Hi ~ the wall is acting up so I not sure who posted this in August about negative energy aimed at Star Seeds but its SO true and I too have felt it seen it. I thought at first it was personal. . its not, lol. It is though I feel the 'dark forces' that have controlled the MIC (military industrial complex) and the SSP far too long ~ scared that MANY ARE AWAKENING to the truth of their nature and nature of their experiences. Losing grip on their power makes them lash out ~ like a school lunchroom bully. You are RIGHT: KEEP YOUR FREQUENCIES (THOUGHTS) ON A HIGHER PLANE, meditate and even if you feel attacked psychically ~ answer it in kind with L-O-V-E ~ Many Blessings to ALL Beings~ Namaste Nin

1 0 26-Oct-2015 00:00

0 0 29-Oct-2015 00:00

Hi Y’all, hope everyone is doing well. I’m not sure I can
get away with this, but thought I would give it a shot. This video was shared
on my facebook profile page last year. I was looking back through the posts
from then for something else and came across it. I haven’t found it on youtube,
so this is the facebook version, which I will attempt to embed here. . . . .

1 0 03-Jul-2015 07:12

Well, sorry, no go I guess. But I’ve tucked it away on a back page of my own site. You should be able to view it using this link:

1 1 04-Jul-2015 00:00

Thank you for sharing that Steve!

0 0 06-Jul-2015 00:00

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1 0 04-Jul-2015 00:00

Wow,Steve! You always have great stuff to share! I've never seen footage like it. Can you tell us where this took place or any background about it?

0 0 06-Jul-2015 00:00

Steve ~ That's a GREAT share! The man heard in the video is speaking Portuguese. It may have taken ace in Brazil... can't be sure where though. Awesome find, thank you... Namaste, Nin

0 0 26-Jul-2015 00:00

I found this to be a very good video from leading researchers in the field of abduction. Albeit about 3 years old... some in our community may not have seen it yet, called "Contact Has Begun" (I finally found a copy that had NO COMMERCIALS, yay~!)

1 0 18-Jun-2015 08:04

dressed up in a NAZI UNIFORMjQuery111207496380337979645_1434825521520? -- the purpose of the genetic manipulation is not to INJECT something but to RESTORE US BACK TO WHAT WE REALLY ARE -- BEINGS OF PURE LIGHT. It was the UNDOING of manipulations done ON PURPOSE thousands and thousands of years ago for the sake of the huge investigation taking place here on GAIA. This is a GRADUAL RESTORATION of our TRUE STATUS. We ALL (every one of us) VOLUNTEERED thousands and thousands of years ago for this investigation here upon GAIA. Yes . . . we ARE related to the ETI (who are NOT "aliens".) In fact -- WE are THEM and THEY ARE US. The time has come for the restoration of this world -- not an Invasion of the Body Snatchers scenario nor any kind of "INVASION FROM OUTER SPACE" as your PTB which to promote for the sake of saving their present control paradigm. Our dumbing downs of consciousness began thousands and thousands of years ago and IS/HAS BEEN the long experiment going on here.

0 0 20-Jun-2015 00:00

Hi Roy ~ Good to see you too.. was wondering the same thing ~ what's happening with some here ~ it just seemed to get kind of quiet from some of our regulars... but life "happens". I will be posting some ore experiences before too long ~ I am in the midst of being interviewed over some of the experiences and wanted to share the outcome of that with others here when the work is ready. Hope everyone is healthy, on the mend to healthy and at peace, Namaste _/_ Nin

0 0 23-Jun-2015 00:00

As for me -- I would go even a little further . . . the purpose of the GENUINE abductions -- I say that because the well-proven MILABS were totally ignored as well as other anomalies for example WHY in Barney Hills original testimony did he report having see a human being on board the alien Grey craft who was

0 0 20-Jun-2015 00:00

dressed up in a NAZI UNIFORMjQuery111207496380337979645_1434825521520? -- the purpose of the genetic manipulation is not to INJECT something but to RESTORE US BACK TO WHAT WE REALLY ARE -- BEINGS OF PURE LIGHT. It was the UNDOING of manipulations done ON PURPOSE thousands and thousands of years ago for the sake of the huge investigation taking place here on GAIA. This is a GRADUAL RESTORATION of our TRUE STATUS. We ALL (every one of us) VOLUNTEERED thousands and thousands of years ago for this investigation here upon GAIA. Yes . . . we ARE related to the ETI (who are NOT "aliens".) In fact -- WE are THEM and

0 0 20-Jun-2015 00:00

Thank you Nin, good to hear from you. I was wondering where everyone had gone. 🙂

1 0 22-Jun-2015 00:00

Thank you for sharing the video. I agree that John Mack contributed a much-needed SPIRITUAL aspect to the abduction phenomenon. The phenomenon is certainly more than all "nuts and bolts" physicality.

0 0 23-Jun-2015 00:00

In my opinion -- the young man who had been an assistance to John Mack at the end of the video (124.38 to the end) had the most lucid explanation. The heavy duty so-called "scientific" minds seemed to be very boxed in by their traditional concepts.

0 0 20-Jun-2015 00:00

Hi Roy ~ I sent Dana a message (here) to get the redundant posts removed but she may not have seen it. I didn't have trash can options when the posts started springing up- me think-eth the wall is acting up, lol. I totally agree with you on John Mack' assistant' view of the abduction experience IS lucid and right on... Namaste, Nin