I know that many if not all of you reading this have had experiences with the “Orbs.” This includes me.
In addition to my own experiences (which were at the time very perplexing and disturbing — although highly communicative) a young friend of mine who had never before witnessed any kind of UFO went out to a place near where he lives (Houston Lake) and saw Orbs of many different sizes and colors one night.
He was astounded and even flabbergasted. He even photographed them.
This surprising experience . . . shall we say . . . broadened his awareness . . . and, in fact, seemed to change his life considerably.
During that time I was conversing with one of those “covert, hush hush, underground, undercover, black-ops, hoop-te-do, secret space program, deeeep insiders” (hahahah) and I told him about my young friend’s experience at Houston Lake hoping to get some pro — fessional “intel.”
Our conversation went something like this:
Me: “What do you think those weird Orbs are?”
BlackOpsy: “Oh yeah . . . well . . . they’re just giving your friend a little tap on the shoulder.”
And that’s all he would say about it.
Well, that, in my estimation at the time, was not a very thorough answer — however, it did give me a little bit of so-called “expert” information, some of which has been more and more verified throughout the years.
After that, by the way, my young friend began to discover Orbs in photographs of him and his friends which had been taken at different times, different years and with different cameras. He knew as everyone else did that THESE WERE NOT LENS FLARES.
Now — he seems to encounter them anywhere and anytime. He deems them as highly friendly.
He is undoubtedly having other experiences — I can tell by the direction in which his very uplifting and positive artwork and incredible music style is moving — but sometime back he moved out of town (now in Austin Texas) and I have not had the opportunity to talk with him face to face for a long while. We do have telepathic contact, however — and we are definitely on the same page — although he is in his early thirties and I am 72 years young.
Gradually, these Orbs have been revealed as Crop Circle Engineers and Chem Trail Mitigators and this definitely points to their totally benevolent intentions (just in case anyone reading this is still paranoid about INVASION FROM OUTER-SPACE.)
That is and always has been a psyop.
The “invasion” is LONG over — and this phase is the LIBERATION of the entire planet!
It is undeniable that the Orbs are LIVING, INTELLIGENCES and they are INITIATING CONTACT (energetic interface) just by virtue of their very PRESENCE.
In other words — these encounters with Orbs are NOT accidental happenstance nor are they random unknown “natural” occurrences — but they are part of a much bigger Grand Design that has to do with this present Shift of the Ages where we will discover ourselves to be pure light beings of Full Consciousness — Galactic Humans — who, like snowflakes — are individual beings — each with totally UNIQUE (one-of-a-kind) gifts and talents — AND YET — AND YET — we are a fully integrated portion of the ONE COSMIC MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS HIS/HER SELF — the Collective Consciousness — each individual expression of which is voluntarily involved in this mission of discovery — on behalf of ALL the beings throughout the Multiverse — in order to find out more direct and hitherto unknown ways of remembering (as hueman beings) who and what we are and the awesome marvelous fact of the Universal Singularity.
OK — here’s what I am learning.
The Orbs are LIVING ENERGY. They ARE the extraterrestrial bioforms expressing in their pure energy forms — these can be any size and can instantly wink out into what is to us an invisible dimension. They are multi-dimensional and trans-dimensional.
They are also . . . US.
They are also the SHIPS . . . yes . . . those are LIVING BEINGS . . . not just technological nuts and bolts. Some of the earthmade ships are indeed nuts and bolts — such as the original Nazi Craft.
Many contactees have told us — including me — that the “ships” ARE ALIVE and ARE SUPREMELY INTELLIGENT.
The occupants and their “space-craft” are fully ONE. The differentiations between our perception of the ET bioforms and the ships is all in how our 3D linear minds view energy-field manifestations. In actuality, the ships are the living organic energy extension of the “crew” of entities inside. I.E. the occupants of the craft.
Our perceptions of these things occur the way they do in order for us to be able to live and function in this 3D world and environment — but this whole mode of being is about to dissolve — and what the New Paradigm will be has NOT EVEN ENTERED INTO THE MOST CREATIVE IMAGININGS OF HUMAN KIND — yet.
But . . . do not fear the unknown — it is being further and further elucidated with each breath — in order to prepare us with the least amount of shock. And … we can transmute the shock of astonishment into PURE AWE.
We too are the very same LIVING ENERGY and we are totally interconnected with the rest of the Great Creation. As our conscious awareness now unfolds we become more and more aware of this fact.
OK — all this said . . . what else?
There is ONE word which describes this further. And that is what I will be attempting to explain (to the extent of my limited ability) in my next post.
Meanwhile — the pertinent word which I will be explore is . . .
Peace be unto everyone here . . . and . . .
The photo shows my beloved (and a bit of my handsome left ear,) at Drbra’s father’s memorial service. At first, we thought the orb might be her father joining in on the photo-op, but Debra intuitively feels it is the Spirit of her mother, who departed this world when Debra was in college. Orbs are us! In Michael Newtons’ book, Journey of Souls, Dr. Newton regressed many people into the realm of their between-lifetime state. The reports are that, on the other side, when we are hanging out with our soul group, we appear to each other as “clusters of grapes,” consisting of individual-appearing globes of consciousness, formed of the on substance–Light. The color and intensity indicates the accumulation of knowledge and experience. We, ourselves become orbs as we “trip the Light Fantastic,” while the body lay a’snorin’. Electric flux-threads of Light connect us all, and every thing else extant, even unto the farthest star. Lovingly, Yu Yo
Hello brother Yu Yo — that has to be one of the best pictures — and one of the clearest — of a genuine ORB. That is saying a lot. I would be willing to bet that no one saw it at the time?
It had to be for the benefit of those seeing the photograph. It becomes a big question mark ? It is a little nudging — a tap on the shoulder — of whoever encounters that photo.
What does it mean?
Probably it is more than this . . .but . . . (one thing for sure) we are NOT alone. Someone is . . . observing?
Peace to you , brother . . . and . . .
P.S. — I keep remembering that these have been photographed zipping around . . . and a beautiful CROP CIRCLE just appears as if by magic. WHAT A COMMUNICATION those things are involved in! hehehe — (must be a coincidence or a random accident — perhaps thistlegas?)
One other thing brother Yu Yo — yep . . . you said it . . .” ORBS ARE US.”
Your experience with Eddie was extraordinary, Roy. It was beyond extraordinary. I remember reading your accounting a couple weeks ago or more.
I had a big download in around 1999. I remember it so well. Projected to my mind’s eye were these geometric patterns, whizzing by my field of vision. There was a static or buzzing sound. I didn’t have a sense of how much time this took but it seemed like a long time. I didn’t feel as though I knew what any of it meant so I asked, “What shall I do this this?” They told me that I knew and completely understood all of it but that it would all become activated at a later time and I would know and understand everything at that time.
Now, in these present days, I feel as though I am being worked with more urgently. In the last couple of weeks I’ve had marks on my face and neck accompanied by the scalding sensations I typically feel when this happens. I also had a deep, dark red, oval mark on my right forearm and experienced the scalding sensation on my wrist. The after-effects lasted a long time.
A few months before my husband died on the night of a full moon in June ’14, I find that I am lying on something, a table perhaps. I am awake and looking straight up. Hovering above me is some sort of apparatus. The object is interacting with me in some way. I see no one but feel as though others are present. I cannot seem to move. The apparatus is about 3 ft. above me. It is round and seems to be made of a thin metal – gold or copper or bronze. It is divided into 6 or 8 segments by way of double-sided metal bands forming triangles (reminds me of Roy’s “triad lights?). In between the double-metal metal bands are crystal/crystalline lights. I don’t know why I know this. It is about 5 or 6 feet in diameter. The apparatus is not attached to anything. It is free-floating. The lights are not blinding but in between the metal bands, I am completely illuminated in white light.
The night after my husband died, I had a strange experience. I was sound asleep and suddenly I took this sudden, sharp intake of breath. I felt that some sort of rubber material was placed over my mouth. It had something that resembled powder on it and when I breathed in, the powdery substance went to the back of my throat and started choking me. I started coughing and coughing trying to breath. But I couldn’t fully wake up and I couldn’t move. Suddenly I was out again and didn’t wake until morning. This is the first experience in all these years that was unpleasant to me.
I’ve been sleeping so much lately. I am sleeping well at night but it doesn’t seem sufficient. When I relax on a chair or couch in my home, I drift off to sleep again, sometimes for two or three hours. Upon waking, I feel as though I could sleep some more. This is very atypical for me.
Night before last, I had a really neat dream. I was driving a car. My grade school girlfriend, Penny, was in the passenger seat. Suddenly I lost the use of my brakes and couldn’t stop the car. However, no matter the turns and curves that presented themselves to me, I navigated all of them without incident. But then I find myself in the backseat – the steering wheel there with me and I am driving from the backseat and Penny is now seated directly in front of me. Not only do I have no brakes, but now I cannot see where I am going. Penny is blocking my view, entirely. I tell her she must guide me but Penny doesn’t say much. So I continue to drive, turning here and there – sometimes sharply turning. Now, out of the side windows I can see we are in some dense woods and I don’t know how I am navigating without hitting a tree or something, but I am. I am navigating. I want to say that I have some extra-sensory guidance system that’s in play here, but it still feels as though I am just lucky not to be hitting anything. I honestly don’t know which is true. If there was some sort of extra-sensory guidance system at play, then I wasn’t aware of it and it all just felt like luck. But it was a very neat dream.
In short, I assume that even though I have no idea where I am, where I’m going, and cannot see how I am getting there, I am still going and navigating the path of my life right now. Some unseen force is helping me so I don’t run into anything. comforting, to be sure.
Blessing to you All.
Hi Kim — our minds interpret all of our experiences even the ones that are beyond our capability of interpreting.
So . . . these experiences are somewhat like poetry — perhaps some things are literal but others are metaphors that are as near as our minds are capable of interpreting.
A large (or very large) part of that is the overall environment of INTENTION — and by that I mean YOUR INTENTION as well as the multi-dimensional or off/world (ETI) intention. This is how you “feel” about these kind of paranormal experiences.
It is only natural that on the night of your husbands transition that you would be full of so many emotions which you certainly do not experience every day. This can be perplexing and even burdensome because the sense of loss and emptiness is so great. 🙁
When a loved one passes, its a little like being run over by a car for awhile. One is put out of commission, so to speak.
But — you are already healing and you will heal. 🙂
Peace to you dear sister — and know that others, including myself, are sending some very dynamic energy to you.
Wow, that sounds amazing and so exciting. I really love to hear other peoples adventures. Reading these stories I can sense a vibration like a rainbow ripple effect moving upwards. I can feel that this is going to be so good for the soul. When I was really young I used to think the tiny orbs were fairies I used to lay in bed and watch them dancing in the air above me. I know I have been a orb and visited here just before being born into this life, I watched my parents. I have also seen an orb follow a couple leaving their parents home with their new born baby and saying goodbye at the gate before they got into their car, the orb followed them out of the house. I was sitting in my car and watched it. Then it was like the orb knew I could see it and it flew right up to my windscreen and over the top of my car it was exhilarating and warming to the heart. I believe orbs are vehicles for different entities and or spirits to travel in this world.
Dang, I just wrote a long response and it’s completely gone. Ugh.
Great story, Roy! Thanks for sharing. Gonna have to get over there and read your mini biography. Man, I’m sooooo far behind in all this reading! (sigh)
I see the orbs in my house all the time. Sometimes I just lay back on my couch and click, click, click away with my camera. I captured a progression of orbs in motion and that was really interesting. They went from being small, to medium size, to large to huge translucent balls of light roughly 5 ft. in diameter. Until finally they all kind of melded together to form something that looked like mist or vapor.
Note****I had this hypnosis regression with Mary Rodwell recently and what’s interesting is this. Some years ago I had the experience of being someone else, from somewhere else. Mary asked me how I came to Earth. My answer was that initially I was a speck of light and once in the Earth’s atmosphere, I turned into vapor and floated down to Earth and took a form.
To continue, I see with my naked eye many white specks of light in our home. When I take photos of them, they are actually orbs. Many seem to have faces in them. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed that or not. There are also two, large purple orbs that each have a special spot in the room. I have never been able to capture these purple orbs with my camera. However, since my husband passed away in November, the purple ones are now coming right up to me. The other night I was reclined on the couch, and one came right up to the right side of my body. It was so close I believe it might have been touching me. Sigh.
I have also seen purple orbs attached or near to other people. Once I saw a HUGE deep, dark purple orb sitting atop this girls head. It was at a week-long Doreen Virtue workshop in Miami. I saw pink orbs in this girl’s aura at a Matrix Seminar, too, a few years ago. The odd thing about the latter experience is this. The seminar had just let out and at least 200 to 300 people were filing out of this huge auditorium into the lobby of this hotel we were staying. I was seated on a padded bench in the middle of the lobby and was having the nicest time observing and enjoying the interaction between these two women who were standing near to the elevators. The only people in the lobby were the two women and me. That was my reality. The lobby was completely empty. However, when I went over to the young woman who had the pink colors in her aura to tell her what I was seeing, she asked me how on Earth I could see anything with all these people crowding around. I never saw another soul in that lobby – just the two women and me.
I think when our vibration is high, then it opens a door to see and experience different things. I also love to observe. If I am particularly interested in or curious about something, while I’m observing, I seem to go into some sort of altered state and all kinds of trippy things happen.
Anyway, I don’t know whether I am adding anything or not to the conversation here.
But I think Roy makes an excellent point. If we are in a place of fear, we will fear these types of things. If we are not, we won’t. From the time I’ve been a little bitty girl, I have marveled at this world as it offers up the smallest of things and the most magnificent of things. I never tire and I am always in awe. And I’ve come to anticipate magic and miracles – things I don’t fully understand but nonetheless can fully appreciate.
Blessings to you all,
Many blessings to you, Kim — it seem that you are almost continually seeing these orbs of all sizes, shapes and colors on a regular basis? There may be others here among us who have had or are having a similar experience.
As for me — no. However, I do see all sorts of other energy phenomena such as auras, fields around plants, gemstones, occassional orbs zipping across the skies . . . but never up close and personal the way yours are manifesting — except — for that one particular all night experience that occurred on August 15, 1967.
At that time I (and my friend Eddie who was with me) experienced two very powerful and significant interfacing activities of the orbs.
Now this was on a less-than-full-moon night and at the time neither of us had ever heard about or knew anything about “orbs.” So . . . we were assuming that these lights were attached to craft. Which, now I know WERE the “craft” in their energetic state as “orbs.”
I had no idea about that kind of multidimensional concept back in 1967.
They were grouped into triangular configurations of 3 whte orbs each. They were extremely bright, crisp and clear and there was at least twenty or more triads of these lights literally filling up the sky in front of us.
Out of them came periodic BEAMS of different colors of lights. Those beams were aimed directly at us. When each one would hit — it seemed to release, sort and clarify ALL the information held in specific areas of our minds — such as emotions, music, art, mathematics, social interactions, sex, fears, hopes, ambitions, scientific information etc etc etc. Each area was stimulated by a DIFFERENT frequency (COLOR) of LIGHT. It was a lot like the BEAMS being shot out of the Martian UFOs in the original “War of the Worlds.” Anyhow, it looked that way to us.
When one of those beams hit us — our minds reconfigured and sorted and decoded and deciphered the section of information being . . . uh . . . purified and adjusted. Actually, it was being “downloaded” to us and at the same time being integrated into the information already present within our minds.
This experience was absolutely astounding and overwhelming but at NO TIME were either one of us fearful because the effect of this was VERY elevating and strangely satisfying and fulfilling.
We both agreed later that at that time we were both receiving a kind of “download.”
I have been in the ongoing process of unraveling that ever since it happened — layer by layer.
Then — the configurations of triad lights ALL became white again.
There we were sprawled out on the sand upon our backs staring wide-eyed up at the sky.
They began to move into geometrical patterns which we interpreted as SPELLING OUT an unknown language.
It was unknown to us . . . consciously . . . however, we sensed that a PART of our minds were COMPLETELY understanding the meaning of these messages being spelled out by these geometric LIGHT symbols.
It was like . . . a kind of . . . SKYWRITING upon our semi-subconscious.
The beauty of this was incredible.
At the time, I did not even know the word . . . but later I described it as SACRED GEOMETRY.
Again — those LIGHT messages were penetrating deeply into our consciousness as had the different frequency of beams (rays) which had occurred previously.
Then — fully mentally , emotionally and psychically “dry cleaned” we were both up on our feet seeing one of these configurations which had greatly descended in altitude and was gently hovering about 100 feet away (or so).
Eddie turned to me and stated, “they want to pick us up.”
This was a surprising SHOCK to me . . . but . . . for some unknown reason — after that initial surprise, we both unhesitatingly began confidently walking right toward those lights.
And that was when the 2, 3 or possibly 4 hours of missing time occurred.
I did not remember what happened during the abduction until 2001.
You can read about the whole incident at the following link. It is in Chapter SIX of this mini biography.
Anyhow — my entire life ever since then has been focused on decoding, deciphering, translating and understanding WHAT occurred to Eddie and I on that one night.
What has come out of it?
Well . . . part of it is what I have already been sharing here — but there is a WHOLE lot more — some of which even I doin’t have the slightest clue about . . . yet
First of all, whatever this event was and what it represents is STILL very much in the process of UNFOLDING.
Being here among you is GREATLY helping me with this personal unfolding. Thanks be to you all.
This is probably my most recent. I was praying here in the backyard. I forgot I had a a camera trap set there strapped to the tree to find out what critter had been getting on my wife’s porch at night. The sun was not up to the right when this was taken so I can’ t say its for sure glare but its pretty strange that I was praying and it looks like it does at least to me anyway.
Thats enough about me. I’m sure you guys have some too.
Are you for sure? heheheh. I think at this point that even SUN FLARE is in on the Cosmic conspiracy. 🙂
Thanks, brother.
Oh that pic I posted of myself in the middle and my brother and his wife is one they took with film camera and its to that orb above me as usual when they show up in family photos. That isn’t the moon behind me there. My mother said it showed up when I did. I had just arrived that evening in that picture, driving from Oklahoma to WV and it was the first trip back to visit in a long while. These pics are so small. I have others but the orbs can’t be seen well until the picture is bigger so to show them is kind of fruitless but this pic here has two orbs to my right side. One high, one middle. This is Christmas in my family at 11 years old! I was a good squirrel already by that time tho. I had been using my granddaddy’s gun for some time by the time I got my first one there. Back home we needed the meat tho. We didn’t have all the nice stores to go to and such at the time. Anyway, thats enough about that.
So, really, this proves (when one looks at the bigger version, eh) that a film camera CAN INDEED pick up those Orb frequencies — even when those in the room see nothing. Maybe, I don’t know for sure, the reason for that is the same or akin to what my guides whispered to me as I was reading Stevie’s post.
That was the rim of the Grand Canyon. It is a known holy spot where anomaly happens regularly or so we told. When we pulled up I told my wife I saw a light there and wanted to get a picture. She was not happy about stopping there for some reason. As I recall we had just