Symbols to activate human DNA and assist in the ascension process.
Light language
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Symbols to activate human DNA and assist in the ascension process.
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I channeled this when connecting with my son Ka-EL.
This is one of my hybrid children- Ka-EL. He wants to be like superman. He’s of the Kalibrese nations, and Im not sure where that is I feel it’s in another galaxy. Hes very sweet.
I realize my photo didn’t even upload when posting this. lol
I feel personally that yes the hybridization program with the greys is done with full support from the galactic councils. I’m aware of a few of my hybrid children through this program, but also other children who are from other species hybrid programs. I feel it is a very loving situation, and all races are benefited. I realize that in the beginning the greys had trouble with the humans because they didn’t know exactly how to deal with our species from a non-emotional point, and caused many traumatizing events while working on this program. But all my interactions have been loving and filled with light. I feel it will bring forth a unity of all species and I believe that we are all one anyways, this is just further evidence. And no I haven’t read that book yet. I’m still pretty fresh to speaking and channeling light language, and I haven’t read any books on that topic yet. I will have to check it out. Adonai. <3
Oh — one more question Angel Ariel.
Have you read Judy Beebe’s book on The Language of Light?
Hello Angel Ariel — what is your perspective on the genetic engineering program going on? I am interested to know what you think about the whys and wherefores of it. Is it only being carried out by the Greys?
In my view, it has been fully approved by the highest Galactic Councils. Do you agree with that assessment?
Yep — I too love Mary Rodwell’s work.