Ever wonder what off world Beings think of us, or any other Beings colonizing their world? I would venture to guess that it would mirror pretty much what the indigenous peoples of this world felt when their lands were invaded: indignant. Yet this is what some corporations and private entities propose for the Moon as well as Mars. Where else? Will we repeat history and make the same mistakes we made with the indigenous peoples here? Even if we have the advanced technology to colonize or mine will we have the spiritual insight and peaceful diplomacy to make (and keep) treaty with our brothers and sisters throughout the universe without repeating our history of the use of violence? IMO, diplomacy will be the key to interstellar travel not solely the advancement of technology.
© B.L.P. 2015
Ty Roy- I appreciate that 🙂
Nin — yer a pretty good creative communicator also.
Thank you dear sister Nin,
You are deep in my heart — as are Kim, Troy and a continually growing list of others. Something really unique is about to emerge here — or rather is ALREADY emerging. I am awed to see this ‘something” so rapidly unfolding. I will try to relax a little, lay back a little — and communicate more but with FEWER words. I do feel a “ZEN ATTACK” coming on — probably an absolute necessity whenever one finds themselves in a room full of spontaneous wild angles wielding very pointy sublte cracklings of the Light. hahahah. Keep it up . . . keep it up!
Kim @ “have the heart for it yet”… Many here are awakening as we speak, to the fact that the path that has been travelled for too long is the wrong path. The powers that be scoff at such things as using one’ heart to listen, diplomacy and even peacefulness. Humans are outpaced technologically by perhaps 100,000 years to a million years. Perhaps we are almost as outpaced spiritually as well. The peaceful groups (and they greatly outnumber the non-peaceful group(s) know this though. And as our peaceful diplomatic emissaries in space they have protected us and will continue to until we are ready to join them. Perhaps (unbeknownst to the evil behavior of a few in the powers that be,) any aggression or ‘bad (dinner or negotiating) table manners’ on their behalf might even result in peace treaties being made with other ET whom previously the ‘Federation’ or ‘Council’ had no peace treaty with.
TNT @ “represented as Nazis in space”… I have had similar dreams in which the circumstances seemed so far out there it seemed impossible it could happen, yet after a few decades circumstances happened (as seen in dream) and the dream was a warning. Given the machinations of the Nazis that have worked so secretively as slaves to their own jealousy and power… the dream is in fact prognosticating truth, literally of a possible future. If that be the case and given the destructive path the powers that be have travelled while dragging us along (screaming and kicking I might add) then this should be a call to you (and others) to incorporate the dream reference to this possible off-world future of exploitation as much as you can. As well as any other dream references that seem to be related to a direction mankind is moving towards (or anything else that is realistically possibly). What I have personally found in dream interpretation is that if I didn’t heed the dream warning, invariably I ended up (a knowing and participating) member of an audience in the theater of life watching it unfold, even as I cringed, ‘I knew I should have heeded that!’
Roy @ “MIGHT MAKES RIGHT” I couldn’t agree more if I had said it myself. Your words are very eloquent and touched a cord. After the complete and utter truth of how they behave so badly and motivated by $$$$ jealously and power… what they don’t know in their infinite wisdom er,,, ignorance is that their cash is nothing but trash. In all my off-world experiences no other beings or cultures use or have a monetary system. I had a dream about that once as well: briefly I was standing in front of a leader of a particular reptilian group that we had war with many times throughout history. One of our own said, “hand him that and see what he does.” I walked up to him fearful of our history and thinking somehow he wanted ‘money’ that it would fix ‘things’ (knowing they want resources) But he took one hand and smacked my fist so hard the pain was searing, the money went flying unto the floor and simultaneously he roars with indignation, “What am I supposed to do with that?!!!” (as I side-barred with our own kind, I said “Great. Thanks. Now he’s all pissed off… lets get out of here…” and we left. Apparently that was for my knowledge: that while rep’s seek resources, money means nothing.
It was the part you said about don’t despair that I had a bit of a releasing of tears… in time as I share my overall experiences, you’ll understand more why and how that relates to your GREAT description of how the powers that be “roll.”
Rousing applause from my corner of the room, Roy. Blessings to you.
We tremble on the edge of the Galaxy — awaiting open contact with our neighbors. Perhaps our Military/Industrial Complex has already shot down a few of them with their particle beam weaponry trying to find out how they tick? They are drunk with dreams of $$$ and POWER.
There are still those at the highest level of power whose idea of progress is to exploit any other being they in any way find vulnerable. They hold the view that nature Universally is a “dog eat dog” affair and believe therefore that “MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.” They would find a way to buy and sell WHOLE PLANETS and after they dismantled them, sell off the parts as relics and trinkets. They are Cosmic Vandals.
But . . . they know not what they do. These tyrants and fascist minded $$$ storm troopers . . . are just plain ignorant.
This must change. And it WILL change. It is ALREADY changing at a rapidly escalating rate. In fact, at this very day and hour we are well into the FINAL SHOWDOWN of this old, sick and diseased paradigm of extreme “tunnel-vision.” It is dying.
Is it the “end of the world?”
No, no.
It is just before dawn.
Nothing can any longer prevent it.
There is a plan.
This very important planet has already had and is immersed in direct Divine Intervention.
We are about to become Galactic Humans with a whole new outlook and vision aligned with the Great Purpose of all Creation.
Be encouraged — and — do not despair.
Peace be upon the earth — and among all beings.
I had a dream not too long ago that I was buying a new folding knife and when I turned it over it read on the back “Proudly made on Mars” and I remember now that dream as you were talking about this so I thought I’d throw that out there too! Its true you know? Soon enough prison colonies will be placed on both mars and the moon and things will start showing up saying things like that. Made on Earth, Moon Made or some such things. Good topic. How we are being represented is said to be Nazis out in space representing mankind! So if that is even remotely true we might want to rethink our plans.
They could have made a lot of enemies by now or brought new virus and bacteria to earth that is very dangerous for all we know. It may be that one day mankind will pay a high price for what they do even if they do break away as a separate sovereign civilization off world. If we get held guilty by association we could be in for trouble even tho the majority never left the world or even knew we could!
Well yes, I hold my breath at the thought of us colonizing the moon and other stellar bodies. I’m not sure we have the heart for it yet. Although, like an uninvited dinner guest, perhaps we will be offered the door, so to speak, at least until we learn how to use a napkin and say please and thank you.