I have been an Experiencier and been able to Astral trevel all my life .I Never felt I was meant to be here . After an NDE in 1980 I started to remember my abductions and after many years of searching i finally foun a hypnotherapist who would help . Through Terry we got some answers and was approached by 20 /20 New Zealand to be on their program this was very unnerving but to uor relief they put a positive spin on it . Also through Terry I met Mary Rodwell and we had a Hypno session that made everythin clear . Now I have full recollection and I thank them both for my sanity.
Hi John — this was certainly a very interesting piece of channeling. So . . . the people at this session were a UFO group in New Zealand?
It seemed that many of them — if not all of them — had experienced various encounters and were energetically engaged in the frequency realms of these entities being channeled.
John — do you do this type of channeling activity regularly on behalf of groups such as this?
Do you consciously depart when these beings are using your denser physical vehicles — physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies? Or — do you maintain an awareness of what is going on? Are they using your own mental processing grids for this communication — or their own? Or both? Are you learning from these entities at the same time everyone else is?
Could you share a bit about what you think is taking place in these communications?
Peace to you John . . . and . . .
Try this link Roy . Let me know if it works. http://stellarpax.com/wp-content/uploads/userpro/221/media/55127ffcbd8e7.mp3
Thanks, John! This link works, too.
John — methinks the audo link is not working.
Roy,I had the same trouble! But I found that if you click on the black bar just to the left of the 00:00:00, it will start.. (I don’t see a PLAY triangle there, but apparently there is one.)
Thanks Sunch — I did listen to it ll the way through.