Should I Go Public?
Millions of us have had some type of interaction with ETs or UFOs. Many of us have told friends or family and a much smaller percentage have gone public with our experiences. For each step towards disclosure of our experiences there is a price to be paid.
Personal Lives
When we tell the people in our lives about our interactions the reactions can be predicted. The main categories are; laughter caused by uncomfortable disbelief, avoidance and argument or amazement and the need for more information.
If we know the people we are confiding in well it’s usually possible to guess or even know which reaction we will receive. Sometimes however our story takes on a life of it’s own being passed from person to person until it reaches the wrong people. People who will think less of us because they cannot accept into their reality that what we have seen or experienced is possible. When that happens unfortunately there may be a price to pay beyond the endurance of nervous laughter. For those in a public or professional role the rumors alone can cause damage. It is no wonder so many of the researchers and “out” abductees are older, these are the people who are at the end of their first career and they have no one to answer to, no more job interviews or background checks to go through.
Internet & Social Media
The internet is a big place and a very small place at the same time. Unless someone is looking for you the chances of them finding you are slim. But more people than you might think WILL look for you. Co-workers, employers or prospective employers, people you meet online or in real life social situations even relatives and spouses may do a quick search on occasion.
For those who have not shared their experiences in real life I suggest not doing so with your own name on the internet unless you have thought it through. Once there is a tie between you and the UFO-ET topics it can be impossible to erase. I understand completely the need for support after the interactions but how you handle your identity as you seek support and information should be a choice not an over-sight.
I applaud those who dive in using their real name and true identity, but I also applaud those who think things through and decide to use an alias. The need to protect ourselves until disclosure happens is just a fact in many cases. An email account on a different server (meaning if you have a gmail account use yahoo for your alias email) and name you will use for everything UFO/ET is a good way to handle it.
Pictures however can be an issue. With the copyright infringement tools for artists to find their art being abused anyone can track or search for your pictures. So if your John Smith gmail has EVER had your picture associated with it don’t use the same picture for your alias.