I have been an Experiencier and been able to Astral trevel all my life .I Never felt I was meant to be here . After an NDE in 1980 I started to remember my abductions and after many years of searching i finally foun a hypnotherapist who would help . Through Terry we got some answers and was approached by 20 /20 New Zealand to be on their program this was very unnerving but to uor relief they put a positive spin on it . Also through Terry I met Mary Rodwell and we had a Hypno session that made everythin clear . Now I have full recollection and I thank them both for my sanity.
Hi Roy
I agree with you 100%
The battle has been long (Eons)
We are now awakening en mass and the light at the end of the tunnel is now within our grasp . The negative thought form parasites have been defeated and the veil is lifting .
I believe once this reaches the tipping point (Any time now) we will all find out who we really are and where we really come from and balance will be once again permeated throughout the multiverse.
This can be interpreted in may ways at this moment but once the tipping point is reached every universal soul will have only one choice for their individual vibration which will be the right one for them and the multiverse.
In Light
John 🙂
Hello John — so — this was very much unlike your horrors with those “negative” entities. That’s refreshing, eh?
As I understand it — yes — at this very slow rate of oscillation — our 3D world has easily fallen into exploitation by parasites and predators.
But — there is a purpose for this — and the outcome IS positive not negative. Let me explain what I have gleaned both from my life experiences and from my ET mentors about this.
John — my understanding of this (that is — my present point-of-view) is that we — ALL of us — have come here BY CHOICE because we are actually beings of LIGHT and FULL CONSCIOUSNESS.
We made an agreement long ago (and did so WILLINGLY) to allow ourselves to become “dumbed down” and almost totally asleep in our consciousness — for the sake of — investigating, exploring, discovering and finding out HOW in the most extreme state of consciousness LOSS we would be able to remember our SOURCE and who and what we really ARE and WHY we originally came here — that we would then begin to AWAKE from our long sleep of almost total amnesia.
When we agreed to this — we had NO IDEA how difficult it would be. Nor did the wisest and highest Masters in the Universe. It was — a risky and unknown mission — but we undertook it because we clearly groked and resonated with its purpose and potential to further uplift and flourish conscious evolution throughout this huge Multiverse/Omniverse.
John — this is the reason why EVERY eye throughout the Universe is now upon Gaia and everything going on here.
It was/is a MISSION undertaken by all of us. Some of us are beginning to grok it and remember — some are not — and everything in between. All these experiences with off-world entities are aiding us in this.
We encountered, endured and finally defeated the predators from the lower Astral realms and each step of the way we remembered a little more about WHO we are.
When I say “defeated” it means that we rose out of the clutches of that negative and parasitic vibration. We had no need to kill nor destroy anything — only to rise to another level. EVERYTHING exists at some vibrational level in the Universe and all things are an active part of the ONE EVOLVING CONSCIOUSNESS.
Everything — each detail — of this journey of our mission is permenantly RECORDED forever in the Cosmic Akasha and is freely available to ANY and ALL beings.
We undertook this — on behalf of ALL LIFE that they might be further empowered to more swiftly move toward the Light of Truth on their journeys.
It is now OVER and has been totally successful.
Moreso than even the highest ascended Masters had hoped.
Our original Space Families have now come to Gaia in order to aid us through the final phases of our transition BACK INTO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS. Much still needs to be resolved but it is happening rapidly.
We did not evolved up from the slime on this planet as our falsely so-called “science” has insisted — but ALL of us came from various elsewheres FOR THIS SPECIFIC PURPOSE. And we have traversed many many many lifetimes feeling like “victims” and helpless slaves but during that time gradually moving back toward the Light from which we came and which WE ARE.
We are NOT “victims” nor “helpless slaves” and, in reality, never have been.
We underwent “frequency adjustment” to a much lower oscillation ON PURPOSE in order to conduct this long INVESTIGATION to find out hitherto unknown knowledge about what human consciousness IS and HOW it can flourish itself and NOT get stuck nor distracted by extraneous scenarios.
This new information is NOW in the Universal Akashia forever.
Congratulations to everyone here!
They (our Space families) are becoming OUR MENTORS as we call upon them and gain trust in them once again (after this long period of amnesia.)
They are (right now) helping us to remember.
Can I “prove” even ONE WORD of this. No. It must be groked and contemplated and meditated upon for individual affirmation. 🙂
Peace and joy to you John,