Does anyone have any recollections, dreams, visions, past life experiences, or contact with anyone or anything having to do with: 1. Cliff Dwellers 2. Anasazi 3. Four Corners 4. Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico ? If you would like to share please post. If you don’t want to post but would like to share, message me please.
A Question from Kim
About the Author: Kim

I was born seeing and hearing things others couldn't see or hear. Well, except for my great-grandmother, Katie Mom. My family thought she was a little nuts, too. I've had the gamut of experiences. I've resisted sharing my ET stories until just recently. It's time. My other stories are about time/space distortions, levitating, being invisible, having my life saved so many times, a lost earring returned to me and placed in my ear by a dead girl, etc. They are wonderful stories and I feel so privileged to have these types of experiences to share with others. My sole purpose on this Earth is to plant seeds; the seed that convey that there is SO MUCH MORE to all of us than we could ever imagine. I'm not much of an advice-giver, but if I was, I would tell each and every one of you to:
1. Ignore any and all voices you hear telling you that you're crazy, not good enough, not worthy enough, and not deserving enough. Those types of voices are liars.
2. Stay out of fear. Fear, as Neale Donald Walsh says is, False Evidence Appearing Real. And it is. Fear isn't real. It's simply something we've gotten in the bad habit of propagating and practicing. Fear stops all the good stuff.
3. Be an Observer. When you feel like you want to react to something in a negative way, just take the time to observe it. That's when miracles happen.
4. Know that everything is okay, especially when it doesn't seem like it is.
5. Stop all judgement. Just stop it. Just do that.
6. Love everything, especially the persons and things that seem unlovable.
7. Be kind
8. Be grateful every day, each day, all the time.
9. Meditate. Doesn't matter how just do it. There's no right or wrong way.
10. Always tell a woman she's beautiful, ESPECIALLY when she's not. (Lazurus Long)
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I came back to this post this morning because your words ring with me. And also comfort. As living in with my mind is a messy place to live. I am busy sweeping and dusting .
I wonder about the Little People.
Thank you.
Hi Lucille,
Yes, my mind has been a messy place for a long time. My brain will forever be in training, I think. I had a really critical mother, and sometimes those kinds of criticisms seep in, still at 63 years old. But I do ACTIVELY train my brain to stay out of dangerous territory.
Who are the Little People to which you refer?
You replied in my query about Four Corners, Anasazi, etc. Do you have any information about what I posted initially here?
I’d love to know if you do.
That’s really a good question Kim. I look forward to someone posting a good answer. I am very curious about this myself being from El Paso TX and later Albuquerque NM.
However, I do want to say that your 10 points in the “About the Author” section are right on — and I fully agree with all of them. Do I practice them? Uh . . . I would say . . . mostly . . . at least they are a goal toward which I gravitate. 🙂 After all, “perfection” is a dynamic VERB . . . not a static noun.
The Zen master look silently over his brand new students and finally said:
“Now, you are all already perfect — but you could all use a little improvement.”