I am so very grateful for this compassionate and safe community. It is because of a few kind words and a link posted to another member… I was able to remember why I couldn’t remember the 11th year of my life. It didn’t seem important till I started my journey to document my Contact Experiences.
I am very grateful for my Contact. The same Off-World Being has been a mentor to me for more than a number of lifetimes, our experiences always positive and I am certain has saved my life more than a few times.
High Strangeness indeed. How does anyone who has a great memory, who remembers details accurately from a tiny age forget nearly an entire year of their life? Apparently that answer could well be Reverse Engineering or understanding REAL off-world contact or… both.
Missing time, you say? Nope. Not in the traditional sense as in real Contact with off-world beings. Yes. Definitely missing memory but not “Off-World Being” induced. Missing memory, till now.
We had just moved from San Jose, California… and were living in Los Angeles in 1970 for less than 4 months at that point. I was 11 years old, middle-class, clean cut kid who’ father was in Naval Intelligence, mother a secretary. School was close enough to walk to. That’s about all I remember, till last night.
It was a two story school and about every other class was racing up and down the steps to the next class so as not to be late. One day just after getting into a class and settling in, the teacher looks up at the door, excuses herself from class long enough to peek her head out the door then while still holding the door open a crack signals to me to with her finger gesturing to come to her. She stands on the classroom side of the door and asks, ‘do you know why men in uniform would be asking for you?’ in a whisper. I told her that my dad was away in Vietnam… and as my voice trails off I stepped through the door and entered hell.
Taking me by the arm rather too firmly we start walking towards the school exit. I am scared as hell, petrified that they want to wait till we are outside to give me news like “Your dad won’t be coming home.” The three officers wore a simple greenish-to-brownish uniform said nothing and walked me towards the door. I started crying, “Please just tell me… is it my dad?” Two flanking me down the long school hallway halfway to the exit doors holding my arms firm enough that it hurts. My mind is racing “please don’t let it be bad news… please don’t let it be….” when the third jumps in front of us and sprays something in my face. I never saw how we got out the door, everything went black.
When I came to… I am standing in a white room just off a hallway, but it’s NOT school. The walls are strange like they are not flush. They bowed outward a bit giving them a very surreal sci-fi, futuristic look. I look around and wonder why I feel woozy and my hearing is more an echo than I ever remember. This scares me to death. “How’d I get here?” “Where am I?” I glance to my right and there is an adjoining room. In it are three men sitting at an oval shaped white colored table in navy blue uniforms with “bars and stars.” A fourth man is youngish looking and blonde in a suit. I say youngish, he’s not a boy but probably had ‘boyish’ looks his whole life.
Suddenly the wall moves from right to left and closes off the “bars n stars” and the blonde in an instant. Another door opens to my left and in walks a man in what looks like a “spacesuit.” The spacesuit is white and looks one-piece, the head-gear has a tinted visor, even the hands are covered. Now another man walks in through the same door to the left of me wearing exactly the same thing and they are very slowly walking up to me. I am so petrified I back into a corner of the room and yell “Don’t you come near me!” One of them tries to speak to me. He says in a falsetto voice that I can TELL right off the bat isn’t his normal voice, saying really slowly “My name is GOR-FON.” I started yelling “Who are YOU?” “No you’re NOT!” He looks at his buddy who saying nothing who also is saying nothing and says in his fake voice that they are from a “Faraway planet that I may not have heard of,” and then start saying “You know your friend you were with in his ship… we have met him before on another planet and we were wondering…..” and I just cut them off at the pass saying, “WHO ARE YOU?” and “No you DIDN’T!” “Liars!” “Liars!”
I know that what he is saying isn’t true and I just keep telling them to stay away from me. Yelling it, actually The wooziness and all this high strangeness makes me wonder if I am not giving them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they do know Him. Scared and determined I walk right up to the one who has been speaking to me to see if I can see his face and through the tinted visor I see exactly what he is: a normal human man. Now I begin screaming louder “What is THIS?!!” “What is THIS?!!” over and over again. As these spacesuit guys ask questions who are obviously NOT from another planet and are even faking their voice… I come unhinged, screaming, “WHO ARE YOU?…WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU?” The one who has been talking lunges with an arm extended towards me and I jump back screaming in a succession of “AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHH! AHHH!” over and over. The drugged state, the military presence, the fake aliens, and I am coming unhinged screaming the same sounds over and over “AHHH! AHHHH! AHHH!” He looks like he can barely maintain his composure and wants to hit me. It seems like a nightmare. But its very real.
Now even more high strangeness: with all the screaming my “clarity of mind” is coming back more. I can see through the wall with the automated door and as I continue screaming the blonde looks over at the three admirals? (we’ll just call them bars n’ stars & a blonde given how they treat children) the blonde is trying to ‘smile’ at the bars n’ stars but the uniformed ones just look back at the blonde with a scowling look of “I think you’ve lost your footing, dear.”
I keep thrashing around the room using my scream as a weapon and SUDDENLY the wall opens up and one of the bars n’ stars yells “ENOUGH!” The two fake “aliens run from the room back out the door to the left they came in, but not till after the one who spoke (who is now losing his patience) swipes his arm in front of me like he would still grab me and harm me… I look at the men still seated in the adjoining room who had been listening the whole time start yelling again but my voice is almost gone, ‘WHO ARRRRRRRE YOUUUUUUU!!!? I don’t see it coming but I FELT it: a needle in my thigh and everything goes black again.
I still have no memory of how I got home or when I did get there or when that happened. Everything is blanked out after that… At some point I remember my mom taking me to a Doctor to find out how I got drugged, what was used, was there long term effects, etc. She kept me out of school for some days, I just don’t know how long… and when I returned, for weeks other kids would ask me, as we past each other up and down the halls and stairs between classes, “WHO WERE THOSE MEN IN UNIFORM?” Those questions went on from classmates for more than 3 months.
As I remember all this for the first time in 45 years the anger wells up and so do the tears. I contacted someone here at our “safe haven” to thank them by email for THIS ARTICLE (here):
A HUGE Thank You to Melinda Leslie, the author: whether she will ever know or not, HER DRAWINGS
(at the above link’ page, lower right corner…) were what actually triggered my loss of memory of that horrible experience.
So like I said I was emailing someone here to express my grief over such betrayal from so-called “authoritative figures.” I get a response back (and I hope they don’t mind I do this) but I wanted to share that as well….
“Hello Nin . . . over the years I have discovered that sons and daughters of Military personell often become subjects for MILABS/REABS.
Apparently, at least a part of it, is that our Military are desperate to gain some understanding about WHAT is going on. They know that children and others are being taken and interacted with for various reasons and some of those reasons seem to be ongoing multiple-life contracts.
Ultimately — all of the present ‘Powers That Be’ whether they be the MIC, the government or the secret government have one overriding concern. They intuitively know that they are ABOUT TO LOOSE ALL OF THEIR AUTHORITY AND POWER and this has them in a desperate stew trying to scramble around and prevent that ‘horror’ from overtaking them.
They are being ‘phased out’ from their former roles
This ‘fear’ on their part is due to their very limited ‘tunnel-vision.’ They completely fail to see the incredible possiblities and potential which is standing right in front of them
They are trying desperately to control public opinion about the UFO/ETI phenomena — and go back to a former, less complicated naivete with which they feel ‘comfortable’ . . . but . . . meantime, the ETs themselves are increasingly contacting the public directly — going completely around the military. This makes them jealous as hell and diminishes their long traditional self-image as ‘National Defenders’ and ‘Gatekeepers.’ Hence, the crude and heavy-handed false-flag ‘Military Abductions’ trying to grill by force those that they know have had genuine ET contact.
Peace to you Nin — and I am very glad that this has helped trigger your memories and further unveiled your experiences. I think all of our experiences are very very deeply rooted into our minds and souls and will be unfolding into our conscious recognition and understanding from now on…”
I read this mail through tears in gratitude and LAUGH! Because I have been saying for years based on decades of abusive behavior by a highly secretive Cabal (of which I will go into more in-depth analysis in upcoming posts,) that people like myself (multiplied by thousands? millions?) had to suffer such horrific human rights abuses and that it all boiled down to:
I now needed a smoke. I walked outside to sit under the stars, sat instead on the porch and feeling a HUGE paradigm shift… and from the email just kept repeating “I have been saying it was jealousy for YEARS… and really thought I was the only one that saw it that way…till now. Weeping in gratitude…
I look up and there is light going through the pines, I look a second time in hope it was my mentor Being wanting to let me know he’s right there… I look again but the bright light never passed in a linear way through the pines (like a plane from the airport…) I get up to take a closer look.. the “object” that was fixed between the trees (stationary and not moving in a constant velocity like a plane would) turns its light out… almost faster than my eyes can register that its another flash of light, which comes downward to a stand of tall trees next to the house…….
A crackling low-pitched scratchy sounding voice is phonetically making sounds words and says:
“We hurt too… We hurt too Mah, We hurt too”
“I hope when you get home Mah ,You (will) look at bigger picture too”
You are not alone Mah” “I know Mah, I know Mah…”
As he talks I answer him in between his words thanking him.. then said “I promise to walk tall …when I do return home…and I promise I will look at the bigger picture then too, thank you.. thank you.”
he says “Have to go back now”…..
If I hadn’t been looking right at it I would have missed it all:
A LARGE and PERFECTLY ROUND FLAT LIGHT WITH WAVES GOING THROUGH ITS MIDDLE SHOOTS STRAIGHT UP INTO THE PINES, the lights go back on the ship hovering up in the tall stand of pines next to my house and takes off upward at a perfect 45 degree angle gone in less than two seconds.
I haven’t had a visit in years.
I am so grateful.
Just when I thought I was so alone…
I was shown how there isn’t anything that happens here that gets past THEIR radar.
Hi Nin — I would like to comment on this wonderful paragraph:
You said
“Most here have been genetically altered for the better by the Powerful Beings of Peace. They interface with them in many ways to start showing (their children of sorts) glimpses of the great possibilities ahead of them. In a galactic community all adults act as parents to teach all children, even if they were or were not the birth parents. They love everyone equally and share in all responsibilities for the better of the whole. The era that humankind has just come into is a βspeeding up of the intuitive processes.β All Intergalactic Beings are already very intuitive. Would it not follow suit that they would want to teach, protect, and watch their children fully bloom into their greatest potential? Is it not a truism that when a parent is always doing things for the child, the child never learns to do it on their own fully?”
In my emerging view, this upliftment by the Powerful Beings of Peace is not only a “betterment” but a RESTORATION toward who and what we REALLY ARE — and that is: A BEING OF PURE LIGHT. Before any of these sojourns of time and space we were BEINGS OF PURE LIGHT.
We did not “fall” into the state we are in now. We purposefuly and willfully took a PLUNGE into this extreme density — but — we did it for a good reason. It was and is on behalf of ALL (yes, I said ALL) beings through out the entire Multiverse. We vectored our human WILL by FULL INTENTION. There are not and never have been ANY “victims” here.
Neither we — nor the highest ascended Masters — even suspected what we encountered — things up until this time totally UNKNOWN — even beyond IMAGINATION
This whole intentional plunge into extreme vibrational density is to RECORD INTO THE UNIVERSAL AKASHA — EVER NUANCE AND EVERY DETAIL OF EVERY BEING WHO IS UNDERGOING THIS FORGETFULNESS — that is — those who took the plunge so long ago.
All is recorded permanently . Nothing is lost. All is safely stored within the freely accessible Akasha.
There . . . in representative locations . . . such as the new Gaia . . . it can be openly and freely accessed by ANY being in the entire Universe who wishes to search for increased healing and understanding of way-clearing for themselves and for others and for all.
Thank you all for your continuing participation in the Greatest Event to ever take place in the known Universes.
And — I asked my mentors, “what does this mean?
They answered:
This long investigation is now OVER FOREVER. It has been far more successful than ANY of us EVER anticipated. What remains now is the resolution, the ever increasing manifestation, the prosperity, the unbridled creativity, the never-ending inquiry into the fundamental nature of things and unbounded joy as humankind on Gaia fully realizes and enthusiastically takes up their deepest responsibility to be the over-lookers, the caregivers, the healers, the guardians, the nurturers, the respecters, the appreciators and the wise stewards of ALL LIFE with whom our biofields intersect.
And when we are aimed in this direction — and when we are aligned with the Universal Purpose — we will create a Galactic Civilization, beginning on Gaia — our solar system — our Milky Way Galaxy — Andromeda — and way way beyond.
Yes — it is a MAJOR operation — not just a local drama.
Well . . . what is it about?
It is about exploring and finding and clearing the path of all obstacles. This process requires HANDS ON learning for every being. This is the great preventor of . . . spoilage. π
Hi Nin — here it is April 27, 2015 and I keep returning to this interchange of communication on these particular segments of writing. Somehow — I am especially drawn to them. π
I feel that there is much more to be discussed for the sake of our mutual understanding but also for the sake of anyone who comes by and injects a comment.
It will only be those who are magnetically attracted to the “undertow” of what this exchange is leading up to who will want to participate in the needed discussion.
I have a hunch that many many people here among us have been subjected to MILAB human rights abuse and in nearly all cases their memories of it have been nearly completely erased.
As time goes on I am discerning more and more how utterly DESPERATE the MIC is about all this no longer being hidden. It keeps them up at nights. They are frantic with terror. And . . . they know that there is NOTHING to stop this from gushing forth and they can NO LONGER put a stop to it.
They can no longer BUY their way out of bad situations because THEY ARE ALREADY COMPLETELY BANKRUPT thanks to the intervention of both ET and human helpers.
For the first time in thousands upon thousands of years — this situation is COMPLETELY OUT OF THEIR CONTROL — and it has them befuddled — perplexed — stressed — and ready to commit total nuclear annihilation of the entire planet and all life (including their own) upon and within her — IF THEY COULD — in order to prevent themselves from falling into the (according to their concept) revengeful brutal hands of those they tortured and abused and used as guinea pigs and then discarded without any human decency at all. You see — they think all other beings are exactly like THEM and live in a completely selfish dog eat dog, me, me, me, Universe. They think THAT is the very nature of the Universe. They are . . . mistaken.
What they don’t know is that WHEN THEY ARE ARRESTED AND REMOVED FROM EVER HAVING ANY INFLUENCE NOR POWER EVER AGAIN . . . instead of being tortured and tormented, they will be provided with an environment and unprecedented opportunity to FIND OUT JUST HOW THE UNIVERSE REALLY DOES WORK.
In their highly limited “tunnel-vision” they ASSUME that we are just as THEY ARE and can hardly wait to carry out brutal revenge upon them. Peace is far from them.
If they could only realize and know that there is a HIGHER PURPOSE in this and that they are playing the very role — a very necessary role — WHICH THEY CHOSE, KNOWING THE RISKS — just as WE did also.
Ultimately, this is NOT an “us” versus “them” conflict.
It is — for both them and for us — a LEARNING process of HOW best to balance out energies to CLEAR the path and make the upward spiral of growth in Life as smooth and efficient and unhindered as possible — for the sake of ALL BEINGS throughout the entire Multiverse who will have access to these records etched forever in the Universal Akasho.
Roy ~ So very true they ARE mistaken. You’ve hit it right on the mark about how they think the Universe is ‘dog-eat-dog’ ITS not… (I apologize for not getting back sooner, it has been hectic with the family health issues I have mentioned before.. procedures, appointments, keeping her off her feet-she can’t walk, etc.) I had panned to write today about a second MILAB that involved my mom, but that may have to wait till tomorrow after Dr appointments etc.
Namaste _/\_ Nin
PS THE PICTURE ABOVE IS OF Artemis, but all one can see is her bust, LOL!
Uh . . . and certainly not the most appealing . . . uh . . . “bust” that I’ve ever seen.
Roy ~
Let me start by answering the “toast” question, YES, I believe you are right we would have been toast already.
This Earth of ours is protected by very powerful Beings that have been forced to go to war in the past (more than a few times) to protect the this diverse beautiful planet from having its resources exploited and its inhabitants ‘enslaved.’
The subject of ‘TOAST” is very complicated. It is not for lack caring or compassion nor lack of love for all Beings nor lack of love for the Earth herself, that The Watchers only seem to intercede now and then when they could do so much more. They met with the leaders of old in ancient times and impressed upon them ideals like (real) Democracy and free clean energy technologies. At least they introduced these things, hoping that mankind would go down the correct Path.They have actually met with the powers that be a few times since the US started nuclear testing in the 40’s. They just didn’t introduce themselves as “Hi, we are The Watchers.” when meeting with the powers that be to ask them to stop making and testing nuclear weapons and in exchange (yes, the Watchers, but under various “nome de guere”) actually did offer to give them clean energy that is “free to all.”
The military rejected their offer because the military refuses to disarm nuclear weapons.
Some have wondered and theorized why these very powerful Beings /Watchers have not been around since ancient times. They have always been here. And will continue to protect. The ones that declared war in Nuremberg (1556)and other aerial wars had announced to The Watchers that they planned to “Take control of all of Earths resources and enslave all of humankind.” The Watchers won each time.
The ones that wanted to take and use up all the Earths resources, enslave humanity, were off-world beings not related at all to the powerful protectors.
IN the last 200 plus years instead of coming through the skies by ship and announcing to Earths Protectors / The Watchers they STILL planned the same “rotten agenda” they infiltrated the Illuminati, the Elite, Royals and those of wealth, controlling their minds, in some cases ‘taking them over’ in others “shifting’ to be able to live next door to the elite, in order to control resources AND enslave humanity. They would have never been able to accomplish this had they taken to the skies yet again. So they chose a much more “covert” operation of infiltration by assimilation knowing that the Watchers would stop them in their tracks as soon as they saw them coming. The Watchers were not asleep as “Sentry.” The ones that infiltrated assimilated into human form and it became more difficult to tell them apart from regular humans… but their greed and lack of compassion “out themselves.”
Complicating things even more is the fact that if someone is always doing things for you and fixing things, one becomes dependent on someone else to always “fix things.” As you see and hear though so many worldwide wonder WHY on Earth don’t They come in and just “fix everything???”
That would be “enabling.” The Watchers know that no Beings anywhere can adopt changes for the better so that this continues for generations, while being “enabled.” It would only be a quick fix, and the bad choices by humans has been a habit so long it would NOT take long before they resorted back to the old behavior.
Complicating things even MORE is the fact that if the Council of 5, The Galactic Federation and The Watchers, (and all other peaceful groups that even the US, Russia, Japan nor China are privy to’) approach was to search out and destroy the “Assimilators,” that the latter would allow the humans to get caught in the crossfire. There was no “collateral damage” in Nuremberg. Collateral damage isn’t in the vocabulary of these Powerful Beings. They don’t want the toast to get burned nor those who eat toast. It is not as cut and dry as some would like to believe.
Most here have been genetically altered for the better by the Powerful Beings of Peace. They interface with them in many ways to start showing (their children of sorts) glimpses of the great possibilities ahead of them. In a galactic community all adults act as parents to teach all children, even if they were or were not the birth parents. They love everyone equally and share in all responsibilities for the better of the whole. The era that humankind has just come into is a “speeding up of the intuitive processes.” All Intergalactic Beings are already very intuitive. Would it not follow suit that they would want to teach, protect, and watch their children fully bloom into their greatest potential? Is it not a truism that when a parent is always doing things for the child, the child never learns to do it on their own fully?
As for the genetic work of Other Beings it is a bit separate from the above things mentioned and is an upgrade of an already very intelligent being. What many don’t know is that some (like small greys) don’t even have the number of organs humans have, namely the “endocrine system.” The human body is perfect in many ways, and they would like to be too π It is SPIRITUALLY that Humankind lacks so much and lags behind the rest of the Universe.
Wow Nin — thank you for sharing your understanding. It is profound and I am learning so much from you and everyone else here.
It is really . . . sparking . . . me. π
I am “suppose” to be outside doing the lawn — but instead I have spent all morning groking, reading and trying to find the right words to share with maximum communication. Oh well . . . π
Nin — could you expound a little on the situation of Nuremburg in 1556?
The aerial war at Nuremberg, Germany and the aerial war at Basil occurred respectively between two opposing off-world forces. The peaceful group was/is composed of many various sentient beings/groups from various constellations (originally) much like todays Council of 5 (which I believe is a much larger number currently of the ones who keep peace treaty with each other and us) and is very much like the Galactic Federation of today. For simplicity and clarity I will refer to the peaceful ones here as the “Galactic.’ The opposing force during these battles are a specific and pernicious group of reptilians, more commonly referred to as the Draco.
[I would like to start by describing this “specific” Draco/reptilian and their features so anyone reading this can distinguish them] They vary slightly in color, but have a very rough textured skin silvery in color that very specifically emits a light off of the skin: some of the tiny lights (not robotic/android to clarify) along the rises/ridges on their skin has a whitish glow (like lit up dots in single rows) as well as an orange-ish-red-ish colored dots that radiate in an obvious way to the eye and is highly distinguishable from other sentient beings that only look “reptilian.” They are highly aggressive, war mongering. The Draco’ are elitist and they have been referred to as a special sub-group of reptilians (a sort of secretive society) that only certain members can be part of, but the intentions are the same (whether in members of Draco’ or not). The word Draconian would describe them to a “T.” Even though many claim they are ‘highly advanced’ I would argue that the Draco’ have no more advanced technology than any other highly advanced Beings out there, maybe even less than other alien races. I say this because while their technology is “good” they are not very advanced physically (their brains are smaller than most other beings) they deceive, hate for no reason, have no capacity for kindness and basically are a pernicious species as far as the peaceful races throughout the universe are concerned.]
At Nuremberg, Germany just as the sun was rising a call to arms went out to all peaceful races willing to participate against the Draco. The “Ancient Ones” that have been here since before the beginning (I have also referred to them as The Watchers) as well as other races fought against the Draco and won, both at Nuremberg and at Basil, Switzerland. There were other battles with them but they weren’t witnessed by humans to be recorded in art or writing. The sun was rising is notable. The reason is because the sun’ brightness at that hour was used as a weapon of sorts against the Draco: by “positioning” one’ ships at just the right angle, creating lots of refracting light and nearly blinding them as they tried to fire upon the Galactic. It would seem that their technology would prevent glare, but not at that time. That seemingly minor refraction and positioning nearest the sun was actually pivotal in winning the battle. Stranger and less significant things have turned the tide in battles.
Now for the reason for their “wars”: The Draco came out of the blue with no warning announcing they were “going to take control of ALL the worlds resources AND enslave every human.” The Galactic peaceful one’ weren’t about to let them do this, the battles ensued and the Draco lost every time.
IN CURRENT TIMES: There are “insiders” that revealed some time ago that the MIC and Eisenhower had made an agreement with aliens, known as the Greada Treaty (and I may be preaching to the choir here. so I beg your patience) This treaty is in fact True but it ended up more like a deal with the devil. During th