How do you explain to others the incredible effect UFO’s, abductions, travelling outside of conventional travel means in ET ships and conversations with off-world Beings has had on your life? How does one get others to understand the complexity of lifetime contact? In most cases people who have never had any experiences of this kind cannot understand either a little of it or any of it because they have no reference point. Most people can only go by what THEY have experienced or seen. The fact that they have not had any experience is understandable but should never negate what the experiencer has gone through.
For me personally the whole darn confounding thing can AND IS compounded by the fact that many of my abductions were witnessed and in some cases evidence left behind, yet it wasn’t know there was an abduction taking place. Worse yet they involved high profile cases in which there were numerous witnesses, pictures/film, and physical evidence left by the ship or (as with the Vandenberg Atlas Missile UFO Incident, 1964) the “ship” causing substantial physical effects to the dumby warhead. With all those witnesses, SOMEONE HAD TO SEE ME.
I have wondered for example…. over the years….
did anyone at the BU (Boston University) scope set in the Los Padres mountains at Big Sur, California (to film the Atlas rocket stages that fateful 1964) “capture” (no pun intended) me on their personal camera(s) when my off-world Being mentor had transported me down to hide in the scrub brush to “spy on” said scope crew?
What IF someone there did? Its not out of the realm of possibility after all their expertise was telescopes and film. WHAT IF they snapped a shot or two as I called to the Being to transport me back up when Kingston George was chasing me… only to find the shutter captured half of me partially running-partially transported, not fully there but still caught on film? Nonsense you say? After all that would be quite the SENSATIONAL picture and NO ONE would keep that from the news~!! Think again: they all worked for or were contracted with the MILITARY. Chances are: even if someone there HAD captured me (in those moments of being transported back to the cloaked ship) on their personal film given the propensity of the MIC they would have kept their mouths shut lest their careers and lives be ruined.
But this isn’t a revisiting of that 1964 Blue Streak UFO/Vandenberg UFO/Solway-Firth incident.
This is April 4th, 1966, a Monday. After moving from Montana back to California, we settled in San Jose. The elementary school I attended (I believe, as it HAS been many years) was called Washington elementary and was about an eight-to-ten block walk to and from school. There used to be an ice cream shop across from the school on the same street and down about a block. I was almost seven years old and in the second grade. My teacher’ name was Mr. Roscoe and he had the strangest penchant for all us kids having “clean hands.” He would walk around to each desk examining our hands/nails before he’d even START class. When he found a kid with dirty nails or hands he’d exclaim “Yetch, go wash now.” and we’d all have to wait till everyone got back into class fro washing their hands. Forget the slightly weird part about being an Abductee of off-world beings, Mr. Roscoe was certified “High Strangeness.”
Out-of-the-blue the off-world Being (that was with me through almost ALL these contact experiences) asks me in my head “So, what’s for lunch today?” I am sitting in my classroom, I look at Mr. Roscoe talking and answer the Being, “I dunno…. let me think. Mon. chicken, Tues is meatloaf, that’s my favorite… Thurs is spaghetti but I forgot what’s on Weds…” The Being then says, “It’s almost lunch time isn’t it?” I looked at the clock and could see it was about 15 minutes away. Our lunches started around 11:30 ending around 12:30. Just remembering that place and I can smell the cafeteria. The Being THEN says, “I need to talk to you….” So I thought I will excuse myself to the bathroom and we can talk on the way. As I get to the hallway going that direction, I asked “So what did you want to talk about?” He doesn’t answer. Instead I go in use the bathroom come and say something off handed like, “I thought you wanted to talk?” He THEN answers “Hey, look at that it’s lunchtime.” Right then the bell for lunch rings. I don’t think much about it all except I hope the chicken is legs NOT thighs.
The next day, Tuesday as I walked to school I thought, ‘Yay! Its meatloaf day!’ Then I am thinking, WHY am I thinking about lunch? I JUST ate breakfast! I laughed I get to school, the usual hand inspections occur before class can commence, the hours pass and its about 10-15 minutes before lunch. I am now trying to remember what we were HAVING for lunch, when the Being starts talking to my head. “I need to talk to you, can you get away from class?” Instead of asking WHAT he needs to talk about I just excuse myself for the bathroom, go in and as I shut the door…. the VERY next thing I can remember is I am up in the air above an athletic field, with a chain link fence around the perimeter of the school. But it is NOT my school. It’s lawn is green like San Jose, but I don’t know where this school is. Years later, I learned they called it “the oval” not an athletic field.
We are hovering right near the chain link fence. There are some high electrical wires and the ship seems to be wobbling a bit on one side or the other of the high electrical wires. I remember thinking “Be careful, you don’t want to hit THOSE, THEY have a lot of e-l-e-c-t-r_I-c-I-t-y in them.” He answers back in my head, “Oh, I am careful.” By now kids and maybe one adult outside are noticing us and running our direction. They had uniforms on. I told him, “I am glad we don’t have to wear uniforms, I like MY clothes.” The Being says “I think they are curious about us… shall we let them see it (his ship) closer?” I thought “Yeah!” Thinking this would be fun. I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I pictured in my mind for a moment that we’d get closer, land and everyone (many close to my elementary school age) would be allowed to peek inside and go “W-O-W!” in awe. But that’s NOT what happened. He kind of zips quickly over the chain link fence and TO MY STUNNED AMAZEMENT lands right on the grass of the athletic field. We weren’t there long though.
Now EVERYONE is running towards us an some more people are coming out of the buildings. He says to me, ‘I don’t want anyone to get hurt we’d better move… ” and shoots straight up into the air. As I watch, after we lifted up some of those coming towards us slowed from a run to a walk to almost standing to watch us. I squeal out something like “This is exciting!” and as the Being smiles broadly he takes off towards some clusters of tall green trees not far from the school. He lowers the ship down unto the ground between the tall trees and says, “Maybe they won’t find us here.” As he says this I look out a porthole size window and see two things. A couple of girls are running towards us from the direction of the school…and coming from the opposite direction are some older boys that had horses. I notice the boys out one window, while I had to move o another window to see the girls. Of the two school girls, one had blondish colored hair or lighter hair slightly curly and a very light suntan, while the other had really straight dark shiny hair, with REALLY pale white skin. I don’t want to sound racist but I thought for a moment that the dark haired girl looked Asian to me. I stuck my face up close to the window to look at both of them and smile at them and almost that quickly the girl with the shiny dark straight hair fell on her back, while the other girl came to her assistance. I could hear the boys on the other side of the ship yelling something and that’s when the Being said, ‘We need to get out of here… now.”
We shot STRAIGHT UP so fast everything was a whirl till we were above the trees again. I could hear the sound of a plane or two and that’s when the Being says ‘I think they are trying to follow us…” and we speed up and left the area…. I am sitting in a stall in the bathrooms and cant’ figure out why my hand was sort of ‘hanging’ on the doorknob to unlock it to walk out… but just sort of had my hand there on the handle wondering why I couldn’t remember going IN TO THE BATHROOM. But there I was. I am thinking about why the bathroom looked strange to me, how did I get there and as I start to walk out, the main door to the bathroom swings open and a classmate says “The teacher is LOOKING for YOU… ” I said quizzically, “Looking for me? I w-a-s just going to the bathrrr….” when she cuts in, “He’s been looking for you!” I asked her “Is it lunch time yet? She says to me, “Lunch? LUNCH ended 45 minutes… well awhile ago!” I felt drowsy, disoriented and had no idea what kind of trouble I was in or WHY. When I saw the teacher he scolded me for not coming right back after I told him I was only going to the bathroom. I couldn’t remember ANYTHING of the event till days later. Even THEN I could remember what I saw but didn’t know how I could have gotten there. At first this just didn’t seem real. I spent days wondering why there seemed to be a “time tunnel” in the bathroom. I couldn’t wrap my head around ANY of it, till many years later.
My “missing time” and the events that actually unfolded are STRANGELY IDENTICAL to the documentary (below.) The only difference was the day: My “missing time” and all that ACTUALLY happened was on Tuesday April 5th, 1966……. the very same events that ACTUALLY happened, occurred on Wednesday, April 6th, 1966. Like I have said, the Being that I have had lifelong experiences from LOVES to bend and warp time, that is for certain.
To anyone who may have been there that day at the Westall school:
I was afraid to post my experience originally from that day. Primarily because one of the young girls that got close to the ship (in the Grange? Here we just call them woods..) ended up being taken away on a stretcher. She was never seen at school again either. I was never afraid that day… till I arrived back to my school and couldn’t remember my missing time. After many days and maybe as much as few weeks, all that was clear was that I had “missing time.” I couldn’t remember the almost two hours of “missing time” (from that April day in 1966)……………………… till 13 YEARS LATER in July of 1979.
As a very young girl and abductee that day in April 1966 – I never knew ANYONE had been harmed or was frightened to the point that it had harmed them. When I saw a documentary couple of years ago I ended up stopping the film and crying. I went to sleep that night alone, sobbing. I couldn’t tell anyone how knowing another girl had been harmed (and I still don’t know and may never know her injuries from that day) had made me feel thoroughly unhinged. There I was not only NOT afraid but yelling inside the ship, “this is SO exciting!” No one in my immediate milieu 2 years ago knew anything of me having had lifetime experiences as an “abductee.” I felt ashamed that a girl was harmed. The Being has always been safety first.
NO ONE has ever been harmed in ALL my experiences- and we are talking MANY experiences and SOME v-e-r-y dangerous (like when the Being took me on a number of “missions” messing with missiles.)…… except for this one time and even then it bothered me so much I cried myself to sleep and the next couple of days were teary- but only when the thought of that April day at Westall 1966 would enter my head.
If I could have ANY WISH concerning this event ~ IT WOULD BE TO BE ABLE TO ((HUG)) THE WOMEN TODAY WHO WERE YOUNG GIRLS JUST LIKE ME THAT April 1966~ AND TELL THEM THAT AT THE TIME THE REASON I SMILED AT THEM THROUGH THE WINDOW ~ WAS IN HOPES THAT HER AND THE OTHER GIRL WOULD SMILE BACK AT ME ~ because for me it was like trying to make friends even if that was friends for only a few moments ~ in my heart for those few seconds I thought, “You are both just LIKE me- at school and seeing all THIS!” It’s certainly strange but I wasn’t afraid and I wasn’t thinking how I was any different than those girls… but was FULLY CONSCIOUS, AWARE throughout the whole event………………………
that THEY TOO were girls at school JUST like me.
Love, Light and Peace to ALL,
Terry & Roy ~
I feel so lucky to have this safe haven and supportive community. I can finally remember more and am so glad I came forward… No regrets ~
I love you guys ~ !! THANK YOU
Namaste _/\_ Nin
Yes, thank you Nin. I am fascinated by your life! You have seen so much, done so much and know so much. Your memories are unfolding and as Roy says, we are all the beneficiaries.
Love and Light,
Hi Nin,
You are sharing some really striking memories and they are still unfolding despite any opponent who may try to erase them or stop them in their tracks. They seem to be a part of the whole meaning of your incarnation this time round. These memories definitely speak of previous involvement (before this life) with the one which you call “mentor” and at least part of that activity seems to have directly to do with the Cosmic concern — expressed by MANY of the STO ET bio-forms from the very beginning.
I speak about the suicidal ingnorance that occurs when technology begins to tap into the Universal energy field WITHOUT a corresponding understanding of basic moral interconnectivity with our built-in Universal drive and our genuine, personal heart-felt appreciation that all Life is precious and not to be exploited nor trampled upon nor hijacked in any way.
This is why a huge energetic upgrade on many different levels is now underway. Actually, it is just a natural part of waking up to who and what we truly are and why we are here.
I think there is a reason we now have more direct ET intervention such as that which you have described. It is because the fact is — the vast majority of the human beings on planet earth DO NOT WANT WAR and well understand inwardly that indeed there is a much better way — and that is — UPLIFTMENT for all. I am talking about a “WIN WIN” situation. This, nourishes life instead of destroying it. A “polarity” still exists in this New Paradigm for the sake of the Creative principle but it is in no way a “division” but a full recognition of the ONENESS.
And . . . the best thing is that for the first time, it is now a real possibility.
My Arcturian mentor — as well as many other ETs of various types — have stated that with their ability to monitor all human life vortices and energy fields . . . they discovered in their observations that the vast majority of the masses on Gaia, from the deepest part of their beings . . . WANT PEACE. In fact . . . YEARN for it. Gaia has the full attention of Universal Wisdom.
It is only a VERY small percentage who promote war and trick the masses into supporting slavery, violence and tyranny. People are now becoming less easy to trick. This is a strong indication of this awakening.
The problem seems to be that earth humanity in constantly submitting to tyranny for so many life-times has come to the point — in this unprecedented and unique cycle of investigating consciousness — where it now needs to wake up and declare their individual sovereign status — but also the sovereignty of ALL HUMANITY IN OR UPON GAIA. Humanities job here on Gaia and throughout the Universe is to learn proper STEWARDSHIP and learn the difference between our creativity when it is PROPERLY applied according to the Universal Principle — and — our MIS-CREATIONS which create problems and need to be transmuted back into pure Light. We do that just by recognizing what our “mis-creations” are. We un-weave them, rethink, realign and create anew.
Having gained this insight we will no longer consent to being manipulated by outward systems run by the low vibration negative ETs, bankers and violent psychotics who secretly have a hidden and very selfish agenda which is not in the best interest of human flourishing at all. Only WE can put a final end to such parasitism. There are no “saviors” from that — WE MUST CHOOSE TO LEARN FROM PAST MISTAKES AND ERRORS IN JUDGEMENT. This is designed for our BENEFIT.
Help along the way is forthcoming and only needs one to CALL OUT FOR IT. However — each must exercise their will and recognize their PERSONAL responsibility.
Human WILL is a most precious gift and finds its true position and purpose in the Universe when it resolves to align with the Universal Purpose and use its creativity in loving service to this natural built-in intention which is the most basic core root principle of the entire Great Creation.
From my own point-of-view this is the cross-road where all of us are finding ourselves right now. We all have a basic choice to make and affirm by our actions.
Over and over and over again contactees have been told by ET bio-forms the same thing: LEARN TO RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT AND CARRY OUT YOUR TRUE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. That is YOUR job and no other being — no matter how “evolved” — can do that for you — although — indeed they (STOs) CAN and WILL FREELY present themselves as a living example for your consideration and contemplation.
Those who have been keeping up with how the incoming energies are rapidly disintegrating the old control paradigm clearly see that those old controllers have now lost their iron grip and are no longer able to play the previous games. They can no longer trick and deceive the masses so easily as before.
This is the change in consciousness which is ramping up to its final conclusion right now all around us. The Tyrants are fleeing as never before — and the general population is beginning to open their eyes with increasing speed.
The really advanced Galactic Civilizations well know that when problems arise, there are positive ways of finding healing — instead of presumptuously fighting murderous, manipulated and insane wars of mutual self-devastation. Violence always begets more violence and ultimately solves absolutely nothing. Violence is like quick-sand — the more you engage it the further down you go.
Egoism, separation, schism and division makes matters worse because of the arrogant false-pride of “I win you loose.” The only “winner” is the entire Great Creation and that is anything but a “selfish agenda” because it is an entwined and entrenched and is endemic upliftment, flourishing, and also the eternal perfecting of ALL Life. This compelling Universal Drive resides at the very core of All-That-Is.
So . . . what I have discovered to be the most effective and pertinent answer is: SIMPLY FLOW WITH THAT UNIVERSAL TSUNAMI towards healing, blessing and the eternal process of being perfected. In other words — ALIGN WITH IT. When you do . . . ALL THINGS become possible because the “things” your hearts intention are firmly set upon DO align with the very same thing which is at the core of ALL BEING. That is . . . the Universal Purpose . . . LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT.
Nin, as you remember more and more, we will all be the beneficiaries. 🙂 And . . . thank you for sharing.
Peace to you and may the success of your mission bring peace to all whom you serve . . . and . . .