I have been an Experiencier and been able to Astral trevel all my life .I Never felt I was meant to be here . After an NDE in 1980 I started to remember my abductions and after many years of searching i finally foun a hypnotherapist who would help . Through Terry we got some answers and was approached by 20 /20 New Zealand to be on their program this was very unnerving but to uor relief they put a positive spin on it . Also through Terry I met Mary Rodwell and we had a Hypno session that made everythin clear . Now I have full recollection and I thank them both for my sanity.
I’m glad you and others are getting something from this Interview 🙂
I only finished Suzy’s book about a month ago. It was amazing. There was something in almost every chapter that I could relate to personally. I couldn’t put it down. I bought it on Amazon as a Kindle book which is what was available.
Hi Armesiss — I really want to think you greatly for putting up this excellent interview. I recommend highly that EVERYONE HERE access this because it is an extremely lucid communication. My own experiences resonate completely with this — as do many others I am sure.
You know — and I think we have discussed some of this elsewhere — the label “GREY” has been hung on ETs of many varieties — some negative — some positive — some profound — some “Service to Other”– some Service to Self — some as inhuman robotic automatons — some as SLAVES to vicious Reptoid Masters etc. etc. etc. etc. All of them referred to as “GREYS.” In many circles — the GREYS — have a very fearful, negative and poor reputation. It is no accident that the figures seen during MILABS (Military abductions) are often GREY ARCHETYPE rubber masks.
In my view — EVERYTHING exists within the Multiverse and what we get is according to our individual state of consciousness, our expectations, our fears, our concepts, our presumption, our understandings.
WE ALWAYS GET WHATEVER WE CALL UPON — but that calling is out of the TOTALITY of our being not just our conscious mind — and is an energetic signature NOT what we mistakenly think ourselves to be nor any assumptions we might embrace.about anything.
An example of this I have given before is: the U.S. MIC were desiring superior WEAPONRY and ONE-UP-MAN-SHIP technologies to further their military empires of control — and — THEY GOT WHAT THEY CALLED UPON — a kind of mirrored image of THEMSELVES willing to “make a deal” . . . AND . . . BREAK IT whenever convenient for them. hmmmm . . . sounds like 100% of the treaties sworn to by our government with our Native Americans, eh? The Universe is a kind of mirror, eh?
From one source the Grey’s themselves said that our human 3D perception of the color “GREY” is often due to the limitation of our 3D senses and what we perceive as “GREY” can be a color which is outside the range of our highly limited sense perception.
This VERY positive information presented in this interview needs to be GROKED because it is multi-layered and profound.
Peace to you brother Armesiss . . . and . . .