I know that many if not all of you reading this have had experiences with the “Orbs.” This includes me.

In addition to my own experiences (which were at the time very perplexing and disturbing — although highly communicative) a young friend of mine who had never before witnessed any kind of UFO went out to a place near where he lives (Houston Lake) and saw Orbs of many different sizes and colors one night.

He was astounded and even flabbergasted. He even photographed them.

This surprising experience . . . shall we say . . . broadened his awareness . . . and, in fact, seemed to change his life considerably.

During that time I was conversing with one of those “covert, hush hush, underground, undercover, black-ops, hoop-te-do, secret space program, deeeep insiders” (hahahah) and I told him about my young friend’s experience at Houston Lake hoping to get some pro — fessional “intel.”

Our conversation went something like this:

Me: “What do you think those weird Orbs are?”

BlackOpsy: “Oh yeah . . . well . . . they’re just giving your friend a little tap on the shoulder.”

And that’s all he would say about it.

Well, that, in my estimation at the time, was not a very thorough answer — however, it did give me a little bit of so-called “expert” information, some of which has been more and more verified throughout the years.

After that, by the way, my young friend began to discover Orbs in photographs of him and his friends which had been taken at different times, different years and with different cameras. He knew as everyone else did that THESE WERE NOT LENS FLARES.

Now — he seems to encounter them anywhere and anytime. He deems them as highly friendly.

He is undoubtedly having other experiences — I can tell by the direction in which his very uplifting and positive artwork and incredible music style is moving — but sometime back he moved out of town (now in Austin Texas) and I have not had the opportunity to talk with him face to face for a long while. We do have telepathic contact, however — and we are definitely on the same page — although he is in his early thirties and I am 72 years young.

Gradually, these Orbs have been revealed as Crop Circle Engineers and Chem Trail Mitigators and this definitely points to their totally benevolent intentions (just in case anyone reading this is still paranoid about INVASION FROM OUTER-SPACE.)

That is and always has been a psyop.

The “invasion” is LONG over — and this phase is the LIBERATION of the entire planet!

It is undeniable that the Orbs are LIVING, INTELLIGENCES and they are INITIATING CONTACT (energetic interface) just by virtue of their very PRESENCE.

In other words — these encounters with Orbs are NOT accidental happenstance nor are they random unknown “natural” occurrences — but they are part of a much bigger Grand Design that has to do with this present Shift of the Ages where we will discover ourselves to be pure light beings of Full Consciousness — Galactic Humans — who, like snowflakes — are individual beings — each with totally UNIQUE (one-of-a-kind) gifts and talents — AND YET — AND YET — we are a fully integrated portion of the ONE COSMIC MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS HIS/HER SELF — the Collective Consciousness — each individual expression of which is voluntarily involved in this mission of discovery — on behalf of ALL the beings throughout the Multiverse — in order to find out more direct and hitherto unknown ways of remembering (as hueman beings) who and what we are and the awesome marvelous fact of the Universal Singularity.


OK — here’s what I am learning.

The Orbs are LIVING ENERGY. They ARE the extraterrestrial bioforms expressing in their pure energy forms — these can be any size and can instantly wink out into what is to us an invisible dimension. They are multi-dimensional and trans-dimensional.

They are also . . . US.

They are also the SHIPS . . . yes . . . those are LIVING BEINGS . . . not just technological nuts and bolts. Some of the earthmade ships are indeed nuts and bolts — such as the original Nazi Craft.

Many contactees have told us — including me — that the “ships” ARE ALIVE and ARE SUPREMELY INTELLIGENT.

The occupants and their “space-craft” are fully ONE. The differentiations between our perception of the ET bioforms and the ships is all in how our 3D linear minds view energy-field manifestations. In actuality, the ships are the living organic energy extension of the “crew” of entities inside. I.E. the occupants of the craft.

Our perceptions of these things occur the way they do in order for us to be able to live and function in this 3D world and environment — but this whole mode of being is about to dissolve — and what the New Paradigm will be has NOT EVEN ENTERED INTO THE MOST CREATIVE IMAGININGS OF HUMAN KIND — yet.

But . . . do not fear the unknown — it is being further and further elucidated with each breath — in order to prepare us with the least amount of shock. And … we can transmute the shock of astonishment into PURE AWE.

We too are the very same LIVING ENERGY and we are totally interconnected with the rest of the Great Creation. As our conscious awareness now unfolds we become more and more aware of this fact.

OK — all this said . . . what else?

There is ONE word which describes this further. And that is what I will be attempting to explain (to the extent of my limited ability) in my next post.

Meanwhile — the pertinent word which I will be explore is . . .


Peace be unto everyone here . . . and . . .

