I have been an Experiencier and been able to Astral trevel all my life .I Never felt I was meant to be here . After an NDE in 1980 I started to remember my abductions and after many years of searching i finally foun a hypnotherapist who would help . Through Terry we got some answers and was approached by 20 /20 New Zealand to be on their program this was very unnerving but to uor relief they put a positive spin on it . Also through Terry I met Mary Rodwell and we had a Hypno session that made everythin clear . Now I have full recollection and I thank them both for my sanity.
Thanks so much for the kind words Peggy. 🙂
We all have a part to play in the greater scheme and no ones part is any more or less important than anyone elses and thats what keeps me going in times of doubt
In Light
Watch this video about 15 minutes in to the time where John comes to less emotional state.
Thank Elohim for speaking thru John. I know you are here for us and that the tyranny of the Gr3ys (Zetariticuli) -spelling?- will be ending. I agree it matters not what is believed but that we do believe, be filled with, & share LOVE.
Thank you John (also my brothers name) You know what you are doing. Namaste.
I watched the first quarter or so of the video but I was to upset because you were upset so stopped.
It does have a happy ending Dana . the unnerving abductions were by the greys . when I meet Armesiss it takes a beautiful turn . you just gotta get past the upsetting part or otherwise you can listen to the transcript of the interview I also posted all the info with none of the emotion 🙂
Hi Dana, yes the video gets better about 15 minutes into it.
I’m the one who is from south central Kansas, USA and my contact is with a healing team of ETs speaking thru Jackie S and another channeler Carol B. has another group of ETs converse with me when she & I meet at a Holistic Fair in Wichita.
So watch it again, ok? Namaste