I always wondered if one of my encounters was listed in the UK governments UFO files released. I remember a time, must have been around 1997, I was living in Northern Ireland at the time and although there was a peace process which began in 1995 there was still a lot of activity and a lot of British Forces based there. Anyway, one night I remember being brought back floating through the window of my house after a contact and I was aware that there was a helicopter, I could hear it and I remember smiling to myself thinking they can see me, they were there watching me being brought back in to my bedroom window which overlooked the street. I always wondered what they were thinking at the time and if it is recorded. I was always a little paranoid then that I was being watched. But I got on with my life as normal. Funny, but it was about that time too that I was working in a retail outlet as a manager and as I was leaning over to update a cash register I leaned over a flat bed barcode scanner and I scanned, 999999999 or however many nines could register, everyone just stopped and looked and I remember a man standing watching, he had black hair, that’s all I remember but he stared… but being a busy retail outlet and a manager I had to get on with my job. But that man still sticks out in my mind, there were lots of other people there, but he stood back and just watched. I wonder if we freak the authorities out?
I was thinking too, I will have to scan my drawings in and post them with my posts. I’m still working out how to include images.
I wonder if I exist in the UK UFO files?
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Hi Deedoh — so . . . there was a helicopter? Did that only happen the one time?
When I read “The Interrupted Journey” (which is the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case) at one point during their abduction, Barney said (under hypnosis) that he had seen a human being dressed in a Nazi uniform during his abduction. ???
Now . . . others have puzzled over this also. Perhaps it is a screen memory injected by the Greys as some researchers have speculated — or — perhaps it means covert human involvement?
We now know that the Nazi’s most likely had a secret space program. They DID develop electro/gravitic flying discs and this research was brought over to the US after WW2.
And . . . no doubt you have heard about the “MILABS?”
Anyhow . . . I thought of this following particular information to share with you:
Peace to you dear sister . . . and . . .
Hello Roy,
I only remember that one time with the helicopter. In Northern Ireland during that time there was a lot of helicopter activity due to the conflict. I have never read anything about MILABS before, although I had heard the term used throughout sites I was looking at. I have starting ready the link that you posted and will read more.
Up until now, I have been concentrating on trying to find evidence of other peoples experiences to see if other people were talking about the fair hair beings that would visit me, I never really thought about military involvement, I have seen links but never went down that road before. I don’t remember ever seeing any military uniforms. But I did honestly think that I was being observed by a military organisation in my day to day life.
I remember a dream that I had around that time of the helicopter. I was with my mother and we were on a bus that took us to what looked like a field that I was familiar with, it has a willow tree and we went deep underground in an elevator. We ended up in an underground city where people lived, with bright lights and shops, everything that a city has, it was pretty amazing, although that is all I remember and every time I passed by a particular field on my way home I would think that was the entrance and remember my dream. If its possible to love a place, I loved that field.
I have only ever had one negative experience that I remember and that was in 2009. I awoke screaming one night with no sound coming out and unable to move, I felt as though beings were there and I felt one of them touch me, which is what woke me, very soon another being appeared and did not seem happy, then it all magically just stopped, I must have gone back to sleep. I felt like the being that showed up was there to protect me. The experience was so vivid I wrote it in my journal the next day. x
PS I KNOW it had to freak out the authorities that we were “milling about” on a launch pad that was just about to launch a missile and postponed it.
In fact I found out just recently that many Britons were watching the scheduled launch on TV and had seen the UFO. ultimately sending inquiries into the DOD to ask what “that” was… while a film company was there to film whole incident, caught us (the Being, myself and “two helpers the Bing had there” (the ‘flat ones” )mentioned in my Forbidden Weapons experience ( photo I posted with the Part I story of my experience in 64’) That HAD to have freaked them out. I hope you DO find something in their files on your experience, Deedoh.. that would ROCK~!
PSS When you have scanned your drawings, save them to your pictures or file place you can find easily (anything scanned on a scanner, can be then saved in a different place like pictures or documents. When you are posting, here, click the “browse” button and your photo or documents will come up and you look for the saved scan, left click once to highlight the one you want to post, then look at bottom right and click “open” …and you drawing will load to top of your post 🙂
Thank you, was just reading your link to Richard Dolan’s site, interesting, I hadn’t realised they were still holding onto some files. I’ve never really looked through the files before, but will follow the links and read what I can. exploring is all very new to me. I will also use your suggestions on how to post my drawings. I’m going to read the rest of your forbidden weapons now. thank you for all the pointers, it’s all broadening my understanding, although sometimes it looks so overwhelming. So much to read and digest and make sense of. thanks again. x
Hi Deedoh ~ I am certain I am in their files.. somewhere, UNLESS it was such an embarrassment to their (already embarrassing because of all the leaky malfunctions of the) Blue Streak missile (1964) that the records were shredded… but I certainly hope they have more integrity than that.
Also wanted to mention that I am not sure which UFO records you mentioned “being released” are the same as the following information on UK’s “X-Files”… but when you said already released, I thought about what I had just read only 2 hours earlier at Richard Dolan’ site: http://www.richarddolanpress.com/ entitled, “UFO cover up issue surrounds delays the release of Britons X-Files” which will take you to this site:
and wasn’t sure if you had heard that yet?? Also, If you need help with scanning sketches or anything like that I’d be glad to help 🙂 Peace, Nin