This appears to be an original picture (either a still or probably from Super 8 film) of the era. This is the Woomera Blue Streak Missile landing pad, May 24th, 1964 in which “unidentified people in white were seen on security camera milling about only moments before a test launch.” I didn’t note it in the original text but there WERE (and this was explained in detail to close friends as early as 1978) “others with us” and when arrived there and I had thought that it was just him and I there so I asked Him, (the ET) 2 things: ‘Where did THEY come from?’ and “Who are THEY’, he said “They are with us.” But the fact remains that there wasn’t anyone else in the ship with us, throughout the entire experience. NOTE: The two “helpers” in the foreground look ‘strangely flat’ (if the one in foreground (R) turned more completely side-view to camera angle, he’d be flat as a pancake for a human) and the one to the (L) foreground’ head is strangely disproportionately small. ALSO NOTE: The two figures in the background and their difference in height. Look closely at the (R) background figure: if you look closely were the feet are shows black shoes (so they are standing not squatting) and you can just make out the ‘little one’ right arm’ in camera view and I remember feeling the clothes were a bit ‘baggy on me.’
I sure wish I had the means to have Bruce Macabee examine this photo to 1) to bring up the ‘figures’ in photo closer to inspect further; 2) Authenticate, of course, that the photo is not “doctored” in other words authentic and original.
A BRIEF EXPLANATION: I originally had planned on ‘Part II’ being a picture essay of sorts as a supplement to the text of ‘Forbidden Weapons, Part I’… till I remembered the software glitch that only allows one picture per post. The problem was really mine that I needed to post pictures (originally) within the text of this (my first experience) as a further explanation, being more descriptive. I just feel it helps the reader draw up more of a comprehensive picture in their minds of the individual’ experience. Because this was what I would call a ‘unique’ experience in that a number of others had witnessed the (3) different events (The Woomera Blue Streak UFO incident 1964; The Vandenberg Atlas Missile UFO incident 1964; and The Solway-Firth Space Man incident 1964) that I felt pictures taken by either military security, military/civilian personnel, or other eye-witnesses was essential to explain. As readers, keep in mind that while I gave consent (to help this ET) make a point that for the sake of humanity that nuclear weapons should be disarmed and consciously agreed to be a “helper” before being taken up into a ship…. I was still, only a 5 year old girl and (technically) an “abductee / experiencer.”
TNT: P.S. the fence behind them isn’t chain link, It is a two-teer ‘bar’ type railing fence. How tall not sure….
TNT: Alright I give up trying to get this software to “sense how to put photo centered. Trust me, there’s no ledge the small one is standing on, no squatting either, it was just a VERY baggy one-piece jumpsuit and may have been billowing in the wind.
Hey T~ sorry about that, I thought whole picture would load ???? to show the man standing to left of rocket- in scale and to show there isn’t a ledge at bottom… will try again and hope this isn’t futile, lol.
Hi T~ The white outfit wasn’t a gown, it was a really lightweight one-piece zip up the front jumpsuit. I am posting a pic here which is as good as I could get given there isn’t that many pics out there giving scale and close up enough to see various angles of the platform: but there is no ledge per se that rocket itself sits on. So no ledge the small one is sitting on. If you look closely at pic I am posting there is no ledge. That site has an exhaust shaft that is GIGANTIC which is just under the round base of the actual rocket itself. The exhaust goes through a smaller hole just under the rocket in the concrete, and that exhaust shoots out the GIGANTIC shaft.
It looks to me like a ledge is there where the shorter individual may be sitting perhaps because it has to be his knees pushing out the gown right? I mean it looks like some platform there. The skinny little head dude is sure strange but that is a four section 8 foot tall chain link fence behind them so the tall one must be based on that fence, at least 6’10” or taller I’d say.
Thanks Nin — you are a VERY good communicator and no doubt that will greatly help you in your quest to uncover what all this is really about.
Be happy and energetically supplied. 🙂
Apologies to both of you- we had guests for an early Easter dinner the day before. They just cleared & I finally got all the dishes done…
Hi Terry- YES~! That is exactly what I thought when I found the photo. Now a few weeks back I came across one with just two individuals in it (the tall and the tiny ones to the background) and it looks to be same day, same type of film. This one that showed our “flat helpers”…I actually found the picture today, this morning. It was strange because it brought back all the feelings rushing through me that day. The description of the ‘mysterious people in white’ on the launch pad area for many decades was as follows, “two tall mysterious men dressed in white.” I don’t know about you but I see 4 in total and one the size of a small child and what the heck is a child doing there just before a launch? (if the flat ones are actually people, even walking around there on the launch-pad close by them, I couldn’t see their faces clearly- the Being may have “made them” for the event??) not sure.
Hi Roy- I would love to answer as many questions as I can.
1) It would seem a contradiction if it were a Gov. psy-op because the Being (I know his name but am not ready to name him yet, so he is Being for now) has expressly said he doesn’t want to see mankind annihilate themselves as opposed to the Gov. that is so pro weapons-missiles-war.
2) The information on the implants will have to wait till I am ready to blow the whistle on that one…so to speak; It does have to do with them and complete lack of moral code of any kind. If you have ever seen any of Robert Dean’ Cosmic Clearance lectures then you know that he mentions “the generals and admirals between 64′-67′ being very frightened out of paranoia ‘of certain types of EBE namely one’s that “look as human as you and I” (when in fact they made treaty with ET’s of questionable character) Not a guinea pig like the poor boys at Mantauk (which I do have some inside knowledge of) nor like how they used children in other cases, but their (secret Gov.) paranoia has been a decades long problem, and is of itself a very long story (I have written both Richard Dolan and Mary Rodwell in more detail about these things, and in time I shall here too.
3) Speaking of that incredible angel Mary Rodwell, I started out my correspondence to her saying “I would probably be what you might call the Star Child proto-type of the 60’s.
4) When I was quite young and experiencing these things (it continued for many years and I will share more in time) I just simply felt my “true age” (of my soul/spirit) and not my “chronological age” (that of my physical being) everytime we worked together, and being the ‘peacekeeper’ from many lifetimes ago, it seemed natural to be a part of something that sent a message how harmful these weapons are to everyone: the planet, it’s inhabitants and “Visiters.” And yes very much so Roy… the fluid group dynamics, for many lifetimes. I was advised by “Him” that the Galactic Federation is a “subsidiary”. More on that in time…
Namaste _/\_
Oh — and Nin — you were more than an abductee/experiencer — you appear to be a genuine ET contactee who is USED TO (over many many lifetimes) working in coordination right alongside the ETs in an environment of “fluid group dynamics.” 🙂
Okay — part 2. I have carefully gone through Part 1 again and spaced it out a bit to make it easier to read.
I am sorry that the software here does not allow for more than one picture.
I am really scrutinizing this picture and have to say . . . it REALLY looks strange. You say ( somewhere in your profile, I think) that at some point you received an Implant? Do you care to elaborate on the who, what, where of that?
Now . . . IF that photo turned out, after a thorough going through by a real (genuiine) photo analyis — and that expert pronounced it to be “manipulated” would that start to make you wonder if perhaps the entire event was some sort of government set-up psyops?
Of course, then one would have to ask the question . . . WHY? And . . . that one is certainly way beyond me and probably most people to comprehend without a whole lot of creative supposition and presumption. 🙂
The following items I have discovered from my own contacts as well as the written real-life experiences of others.
The ETs are real — time travel is real — the intervention of the Galactic Federation of Light to liberate Gaia is real — and — contact with human children by ETs is real. The MILABS (Military Abductions) are real — according to some — for the purpose of increasing the secret government’s knowledge about what the ETs are up to.
Who knows what kind of other manipulation and/or pysops and/or misinformation generation and/or mind-control experimentation they might be up to.
And — with their (in some notable cases) extemely low sense of moral decency, using children as guinea pigs is certainly not beyond them — and they have done it before.
One notable thing which I got after going over your Part 1 in a much more careful manner is that . . . as a little 5 year old child you seem to have been able to deal with some things normally totally beyond a 5 year old.
Of course you were probably a VERY advanced 5 year old — an indigo or crystal child? That you are/were a very “old” and advanced soul there is little doubt.
What portion of the story could be your PRESENT “analytical overlay” do you think?
Actually, in your story you explained VERY WELL how you FELT — i.e. the emotions you were feeling — while undergoing this strange experience of many colors and hues (including fear at rare times.)
Anyhow feel perfectly free to answer any (or all) of these questions — or none of them — as you feel comfortable.
Some of these items are perhaps some of the questions that will arise as you delve into thie further for the purpose of your own peace, closure and edification.
Peace and upliftment be unto you dear sister Nin . . . and . . .
P.S. Oh, by the way . . . if you would like to have a copy of your Part 1 story spaced for easy reading, I will be glad to email it to you. Just let me know your email address.
Mine is: 🙂
Nin, I clicked on the photo which makes it bigger. The front figures do look decidedly flat! And the short one in back does look like a child being swallowed in grown up clothes!