I am in an ever-ongoing process of seeking more knowledge and understanding of my own UFO/ETI experiences and I find that input from other experiencers and their many different perspectives does help greatly in increasing my own understanding.
There are several factors in this which must be considered. Here are a few of them:
1) each and every one of us is a unique and sovereign person who has a different set of life experiences and personal interpretation of those experiences.
2) ALL of our life experiences (both good and bad) combine in a synthesis to form our overall outlooks and interpretations of what happens to us. This is especially true when it comes to unusual, paranormal or bizzare events.
3) Whether or not we admit it or not, we are all influenced to some degree by our social consensus realities.
4) Also by the proclamations of professional or popularized “experts” who are recognized by some as innovators in their fields.
5) We are also immediately peaked by WHISTLE-BLOWERS who claim to be government or military “insiders” who report that they have direct hands-on insight into top secret Government Projects — and they often have claimed in the past that they are risking their lives to speak out. With the current situation emerging, it is reported that the Government is WANTING a full and complete disclosure and has told (instructed) the whistle-blowers to tell everything that they know. The problem with this is that while the whistle-blower may believe fully in the truth of what he (or she) is saying he has been (on an almost constant basis) subjected to mind-control (de-briefings) which is FAR more sophisticated than most people can even comprehend.
Is this a problem?
I believe that to discern this requires MUCH groking from many different perspectives.
It is this fifth point which I wish to bring forth in this post.
I have no idea how many of you have been following the recent insider whistle-blower information that is currently taking the entire UFO/ETI field by storm.
This person calls himself Corey/Good ET X SG and is closely associated with both David Wilcock and with Dr. Michael Sala.
David, as many of you know, has been connected with insiders for at least 20 years. He says that he has “vetted” Corey/Goode ET X SG by the normal methods in which such vetting can be done and that is by TRIANGULATION. This means correlation of some of the vital data by TWO other deep “insiders.” That is, a total of THREE.
Now . . .IF IT IS TRUE what Corey is saying about the Secret Space Programs (yes, there are more than one) and the various ETs he claims to be encountering — an entirely new dimension with many new angles is being added to the overall ET understanding.
Some of you reading this may already be looking into this new “blockbuster” information.
I desire some discussion about these so-called paradigm changing disclosures and I desire everyone’s honest input.
Right below this post in the comment section I am offering some links to this information. Please grok this and tell us your impressions. Thank you.
It is interesting that the original 90 ET civilizations which the Interplantetary Corporate Conglomorate were reportedly serving via slave labor — have now totally EXPANDED into 900 ET civilizations.
Also — on his Facebook page, ( https://www.facebook.com/BlueAvians/posts/1490870884544036?comment_id=1491255024505622&offset=0&total_comments=75&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D ) I confronted Corey with a question.
He has his OWN definition of the term MILAB and has altered the standard definition to mean “a person unwillingly (often as a young child) inducted into one of the government’s segments of the SSP (Secret Space Program.) This is NOT the standard and only definition I have ever seen — which is the same everywhere except for Corey’s own personal definition. But . . . here is the real definition:
What this may possibly mean is that the MILAB program he was brought into was exactly THAT as defined in the link right above — and he was so traumatized by what he was required to do that he got the severe case of PTSD.
He may simply be diverting his attention away from that real meaning in order divert eveyone elses attention away from it because — most people now days who are fairly young — DO NOT KNOW THE REAL DEFINITION since it has always been shuffled aside by the whole UFO/ETI movement except for a rare few people who did the thorough investigations.
This so-called “Cosmic Disclosure” is important enough to us all — that I decided to pay up and watch all the 52 episodes and do some additional groking along the way.
I brought up this subject in the first place because great numbers of people who consistently follow those whom they deem to be experienced knowledgeable “experts” on the subject of UFOs and ETIs have been enticed off the path of Truth by this psy-ops. I should point out that Dr. Sala AND David Wilcock (perhaps
less so in this recent case) have recommended that those taking in this information do this very cautiously because everyone has fully admitted that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EMPIRICLE EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER FOR ANY OF THE DECLARATIONS COREY IS ESPOUSING. All fully admit that — even Corey. He gives his explanation of WHY that is and then totally dismisses it. It seems to rather irritate him whenever anyone points out the dire need for some concrete evidence.
Convienient, I guess.
Here again, I should point out that there is indeed some empiricle evidence for the Secret Space Program itself (at least one of them) and for close Nazi involvement in the SSP and for off-world “batch consignments” which is human slavery. Also for some degree of back-engineering of ET technology and off-world military bases.
Recently there was an add in the newspaper for anyone who wanted to live the rest of their days ON MARS. It was offering a so-called “government sponsored” training program. Hello?
As to what is mentioned about the “Blue Avians,” yes — these beings indeed DO exist. “Nin” fully knows about them. Much more than I do. As to Sphere Beings, I would say they consist of many more than simply 5 races. An “Alliance?” Well . . . if you consider that these beings are of very high frequency and are fully aligned with the Universal Intention and the Natural Law then . . . yes . . . that is all the “Alliance” anyone ever needs with fellow beings of like mind.
The following is a bit of “channeling” from my Arcturian mentors. I will attempt to flow it out coherently.
Some folks have declared to me that “there IS NO “RIGHT” AND “WRONG.” I strongly disagree. Here’s why.
True . . . there is ultimately ONLY ONE — however — an endemic fundamental built in principle which 3D beings — and also other beings of various dimensions and densities — for the sake of intercommunications — distinguish as Love, Light, Life, Consciousness and Natural Law. All of these are foundational creative expressions of our ONE SOURCE — which we refer to as The Great Creation or Creator or Almighty God or Our Divine Parent or The Great Spirit or Allah or The Force or The Field of Consciousness or . . . millions of designations referring to the very same Source of All-That-Is.
What is “RIGHT” is how and why the Multiverse functions and the actions which align with the UNHIDDEN Natural Law built into the very center of the essence of the Universe. These actions enhance and flourish ALL LIFE and its infinite creative expression from the most primary energetic level outwards. This is unbounded joy and fully communicative creative expression. It is appreciation and unfolding ART. It is the COSMIC DANCE.
It is not a cold, dead, sparse vacuum of emptiness as our authority figures have declared according to their curriculum vitae and strong “religion” of Reductionist Mathematical Rationalism and/or Darwinian Evolution.
These are good examples of “WRONG.”
What is “WRONG” is just the opposite of what is “RIGHT.”
“WRONG” is an illusion and often a delusion due to willful ig-NOR-ance of the unhidden Natural Law built into the essence of the Multiverse and therefore into each and every one of us. It is our very Life, Light and Love.
It is OUR choice either to align with that built in Natural Law and experience unfolding joy . . . or . . . to choose not to and experience suffering in varying degrees which is a wake-up call (coming from the ONE reality) to realign and to contribute and once again become a flourishing energetic participant.
We ALL experience this tendency toward suffering as earth humans because of the low state of consciousness we have CHOSEN to be in at this present time for the sake of this GREAT COSMIC INVESTIGATION on behalf of brightening the path for all beings with the information gained. As I have said before, this particular GREAT COSMIC INVESTIGATION is now over — finished successfully — in fact, it has been more than a complete success — and now we are about to move on to a much higher frequency for new endeavors and explorations.
This is the SHIFT planet earth is now experiencing.
Its all about conscious awareness of our interconnectivity . . . and allowing it to expand and unfold in alignment with the built in Universal Intention — of which we are gradually becoming more and more aware. This awareness is coaxing us back to the ONE REALITY from which we CHOSE WILLFULLY to depart long long time ago.
When we try to swim against the one reality of all, the results are detrimental to us and to all other beings. The result is the suffering which we cause to ourselves and to others. It is completely unnecessary but, if we can comprehend it, the suffering is acting as a strong catalyst to bring us back to reality. ~ nestingwave
Here among us we three have experienced something quite special. I like to call it “Fluid Group Dynamics.”
We undertook a question from three ENTIRELY different angles. Reached a basic consensus and each one of us contributed their individual perspective which helped clarify a difficult situation with somewhat disturbing overtones.
I believe that this kind of communicative interaction is EXACTLY what our ET contacts are in the process of teaching us as we become more and more open to receiving more. This “teaching” is really more of a REMINDER of what we have known and forgotten during this period of amnesia. This is a part of our awakening process as to who and what we really are — while we prepare to build our new Galactic Civilization and resume our explorations of the unfathomable Multiverse and all our dear brothers and sisters far and wide.
Peace be unto you TNT and also to you Nin.
Now . . . is there anyone else who wishes to comment? Please feel absolutely free to add to or to totally disagree with what has been said here. π Really . . . I mean it . . . because although we presently have group consensus — WE ARE ONLY THREE PEOPLE and there may be other angles which we have not thought of? So . . . to anyone who may be listening . . . please blossom forth with your own perspective. Thank you.
OH . . . ALSO . . . to Nin and TNT please continue to share more insights also. π
Yep we’re all getting it I think. After reading some it appears we are a minority tho. With that said, it seems to be evident to me that its gang war. What it reads is that one gang has done something behind the backs of all the other gangs and profited off it apparently and none of these gangs knew about it or profited also?! Gangs don’t like that. It leads to gang warfare and once we take the disguises off these guys in the suits, we see the animal we deal with. Gang members all of them. Pirates in the truest sense and most are aware and well adjusted to it. One could say they love it even.
I think its a very dangerous time because the main gang on earth and the rest now don’t just want their cut. They want it all. They are taking it. We really do not know all the various loyalties developed if this is a real event. Never know what may end up here in the dictators defense if real?
Also, it seems tho they are far outgunned here and take over is inevitable. I think the real question being discussed is can they do it without having to alert the public. Lets face it, none of the gangs give a shit if we know about it here or not. They will tell us, only if they need our support for them to take it and that may be what is being done. They can’t do it without the $ and once the people learn about it donations to save the colonists would dominate consciousness.
Thanks TNT . . . I certainly agree.
You said, “They canβt do it without the $ and once the people learn about it donations to save the colonists would dominate consciousness.” And . . . of course . . . the same thing would happen to those donations as happened to all the goodwill donations offered to Haiti after their disaster . . . POOOFF.
Hi Roy n’ TNT ~
I Ching Reading:
Question: Is Corey G. telling others the Truth? (I leave it to the Wisdom of the I Ching…)
Answer: Non-Static Hexagram > SUN-CH’IEN (with changing lines on line 5 and top line) # 44 “Temptation” /
Changing lines makes (#44) change into Hexagram # 32 “Continuing.”
The interpretation I use for I Ching has artwork to each hexagram. I like to read the summary of the artwork FIRST because I have found over 25 years of reading that the artwork lends “clues” that even the interpretation itself doesn’t yield.
#44, “Temptation” has a painting entitled “Monkeys Watching a Honeycomb”~ A monkey and her baby are sitting in a tree, gazing at a honeycomb above them. The Temptation to reach for it is a strong one, AS THE BEES AROUND IT SEEM SUCH A MINOR OBSTACLE. HOW CAN SUCH A SMALL DELIGHT INVITE DISASTER?
Hexagram #44 “Temptation” translated ~ Temptation. This person is powerful.
Do not contract a relationship with such a person.
The penetrating (wind) moves beneath the creative (heaven) forming the condition for Temptation. A ruler, therefore, issues his commands and makes them known throughout the land.
A seemingly harmless yet potentially dangerous Temptation has entered the picture. How could such a minor element pose such a threat to an ongoing situation? How can a nonessential entity seize control and create darkness and chaos in an established environment? You need only entertain and indulge this Temptation to find out. When you give your attention to darkness, you grant it a position of power in your life. This encounter cannot be avoided, but you can prevent it from gaining in influence.
Even in a normally relaxed social environment you should now guard against the fostering of inferior ideas or persons. THIS MAY MANEFEST MOST OFTEN IN POLITICAL AFFAIRS, FOR IT IS HERE THAT TEMPTATIONS POSE THE GREATEST THREAT. Do not give power to the people who support these ideas, regardless of the circumstances. Confront issues that seem inferior and encounter publically persons who represent deficient ideals. Your words will have impact now.
In business matters, what you propose to do OR WHAT HAS BEEN PROPOSED TO YOU IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Beyond wasting your time, it could prove to be dangerous. Whether it involves a quick turnover of money or A COMMITTMENT TO AN UNPROVED BUT ATTRACTIVE OFFER, IT MIGHT WELL CREATE MORE PROBLEMS THAN PROFITS. Let others know how you feel in encountering this Temptation and you will set a strong business policy in your example.
Do not expect too much at this time from personal relationships, especially from PERSONS WITH WHOM YOU ARE NEWLY AQUAINTED. Unavoidable confrontations may now bring to light inferior elements. Openly express your convictions and desires in your relationships and you will drive away DISRUPTIVE TEMPTATIONS.
Internal Temptation is the most difficult kind to turn away. From such indulgences you may develop a prominent and demanding character trait OR a disturbing inner conflict. Exercise self-discipline and hold to routine patterns and principles.
CHANGING LINES were: 5th line and 6th line or Top line. (Read always from bottom to top)
Fifth Line: The superior person now relies upon the correctness of his principles and the force of his character to achieve an effect. His will is consonant with the direction of the cosmos, and he attains his aim.
Top Line: Even if you withdraw from an inferior element and reject it openly, it will still be there. IT WOULD BE MORE PRACTICAL AND LESS HUMILIATING TO RETREAT QUIETLY. Nevertheless, you are not to blame for your actions.
Hexagram #32 “Continuing” ~ has a painting titled, “Blossoming Branch of a Plume Tree” The plum tree symbolizes the cycle of BIRTH, GROWTH, DECAY. Even though the branches become gnarled and aged they bloom with new life each spring.
Hexagram #32 “Continuing” translated ~ Active penetration (thunder and wind) forms the condition for Continuing. An enlightened person, therefore, stands firm and does not change his plan.
The time of Continuing established traditions and enduring values. Look within for character traits that are self-perpetuating and self-renewing. New goals can be reached through relying on tat which has endurance and consistency in your nature. Act out the laws of your inner Self, TRUST THE INHERENT CORRECTNESS OF YOUR INSTINCTS AS YOU GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. In this way you will meet with success.
Social customs will offer assurances and support because of their very endurance. Continuing in traditions that are the understood bases of social interaction will now bring order, unity, and a deep sense of security to you and your community. THIS DOES NOT MEAN A BLIND ATTACHMENT TO ARBITRARY SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, BUT RATHER AN ADHERENCE TO FOUNDATIONS THAT SUPPORT THE GROWTH OF SOUND AND SMOOTH-WORKING SYSTEMS IN LIFE.
In business and political affairs, PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE SUPPORT OF POLICIES THAT HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES USEFULL (empirical evidence of ANY kind?) THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO CHANGE “M-E-T-H-O-D-S” for the sake of change. INSTEAD, IT IS A TIME TO MAKE THESE “M-E-T-H-O-D-S” WORK WITH NEW TRENDS IN THOUGHT. Success now comes through Continuing movement towards long standing objectives – objectives that are harmonious with a well-ordered life
(M-E-T-H-O-D-S = EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, given the question at hand.)
It looks like this reading should have been geared directly to those it would effect the most: M. Sala and D. Wilcock;
Of the 64 hexagrams, only 5 to 6 use the term “Ruler”, “Rulers” and “Ancient Rulers”. The rest are either an enlightened person or enlightened people in the opening descriptions. I found it odd that the description says ‘therefore the ruler issues his commands and makes them known throughout the land” since no one of importance TO THE PERSON IN THIS PARTICULAR QUESTION is a Ruler. Or ARE they? My experience with the translations has been that the opening description ALWAYS holds a clue. Always.
I used caps (obviously) to emphasize what stood out most. The rest should be pretty self-explanatory.
TNT: Funny… I too came across “those behind it” as in “Ruler”. I Ching isn’t vague and will not tell people what they only want to hear. But it will tell us many times what we really DIDN’T want to hear, personally, professionally or otherwise.
NOW FOR A GROK: At Dr. M. Sala’ Exopolitics site, I read some Q & A by Corey that I wanted to comment on…
Here’s the link:
Q.16 ~ Corey implies, rather states that representatives of Tall Whites attend Super Federation Conferences. He doesn’t mention by name Galactic Federation… but then there isn’t that many “Federations” when it comes to the peaceful protection of Gaia. Now some people will refer to them as the Federation, but MOST call them the Galactic Federation. Even my Mentor Being has called them this. The Federation consists of several peaceful groups that over decades since the US implemented use of nuclear bombs… has met a number of times with US leadership and the branches of military present most times. The Tall Whites and The Draco are ARCH ENEMIES for a mere 10,000 years. Why would this new comer (Mr. Goode) insist that “The peaceful groups of the Federation meet with, strategize, or even discuss ANY of their plans with Tall Whites, their reps or Dracos and their reps?
IT WOULD N-E-V-E-R HAPPEN. 1) The Federation has never allowed all of their peacemakers to be in the same place at the same time. 2) They certainly would NOT have all or even part of their peacekeeping force at some “super conference” with members of or reps of their arch enemies, without taking a chance that sabotage could occur.
When the Peace Keepers/Protectors met with Eisenhower to discuss the disarming of nuclear weapons in exchange for ET tech, Eisenhower tried steering them to the MIEC to discuss such things. The Peace Keepers were very diplomatic about it all and stated “We do NOT negotiate with certain FACTIONS of the MIC.” THE PECAE KEEPERS ALREADY KNEW Eisenhower had met separately with the Tall Whites (which along with a small faction of Greys are actually a “FRONT” for the Draco agenda behind it all) Why do you think they diplomatically said “Certain Factions of the MIC ??” The Peace Keepers already KNEW the enemy infiltrated the MIC. This is also information that has been available for some time now, through FOIA on the Eisenhower / ET meetings. NO WHERE is it stated in government documents over these same meetings, THAT THE TALL WHITES MET IN THE SAME ROOM AS THE PEACEFUL ALLIANCES. If what Corey MEANT to say of these so-called super conferences, is that the Tall Whites/ Dracos have their own Super Federation THEY DO NOT. NOT the Council of 5, Galactic Federation nor ANY other peacekeeping group will have ANYTHING to do with the Tall White/ Draco; The Whites and Dracos are too aloof and parasitic to have any viable alliance of any kind.
Further, what he implies is dangerous. To say that all groups meet at some super conference gives the impression that these arch enemies work together somehow. Even implying this to the public plants the seed thought that these opposing groups work together. How convenient that would be if off-world Beings were the next “terrorists.” Remember Werner Von Braun’ warnings about their plans and suddenly it seems even MORE dangerous.
In Q.18 ~ Corey stated that the MIEC has “INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES” on ET’s involved with abductions, who are tasked with finding out where the abductee’ are and what the purpose of the abductions are. He also states that the “unnamed” ET’s involved in the abductions were tagged and instrumental in “intel to our allies” WHOSE allies? Historically the SSP has a very long history of abductions, slave trade and horrible Nazi like experiments, WHICH CONTINUE UNABATED TO THIS DAY. And Mr. Goode wants us to believe that overnight, the MIEC has grown a heart AND a conscience? That basically the MIEC is “guilt-free” in all this, while broad brush stroke of generalized “un-specifically named” ET have all hurt, hinder, kidnap and enslave…. worse yet! The MIEC according to Mr. Goode is “rescuing these slaves??” I sense a serious covering-their-ass. And the implications of even hinting that the military are the good guys is dangerous, dishonest and sounds like a CYA if I ever heard one.
Given the MIEC history of kidnappings and their training of others to carry out the MIEC orders for said kidnappings and subsequent “slave labor, sex slaves, etc.” Corey wants us to believe THAT RIGHT UNDER THE NOSES OF THE MIEC who trained those under them to kidnap and create slaves, IS AN ELITE FORCE WORKING SIDE BY SIDE OF THE MIEC THAT RESCUES AN EXTREMELY LARGE AMOUNT OF HUMAN CAPTIVES and of course to relocate them and “care for them?” BUT no one will ever see them again including their families and we are supposed to believe that the MIEC is REALLY caring for them in a secret location BECAUSE Corey says so even though historically the MIEC has million of abductions under their own belt? WHERE’S ANY EVIDENCE to any of these claims other than millions missing?? IS THAT BOY SERIOUS? More fear mongering by and for the fear mongers. I rest my case.
Love and light to all.. even those who transgress against everyone,
Namaste _/\_ Nin
Greetings Nin,
Your divination dove-tails totally (in essence) with TNTs and my own intuitive grokings.
Up until now, I have not used by preferred method of divination at all (which is the Tarot) — only my intuitive groking.
However, after seeing that TNT used his Runes and you used the I Ching, I decided to see what I might come up with from a Tarot reading. This one was fairly short and sweet. I only drew THREE cards. All came out in the upright position after much shuffling of the deck. My intent was CONFIRMATION — OR — DE — CONFIRMATION (i.e. disallowance) of what I had already discerned and both you and TNT had amplified and expanded in detail.
1) Major Arcanum Six — The Lovers, 2) Minor Arcanum — Ace of Wands and 3) Minor Arcanum — Nine of Cups.
Now . . . on the surface this appears only to be a very positive affirmation of what we had already discerned and indeed it is . . . but . . . there is a major (and wonderful) SURPRISE here in this reading.
The FIRST CARD — Major Aracanum SIX in the Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck which I was using for this reading is called “THE LOVERS.” However . . . the ancient name for this card was ORIGINALLY — “TEMPTATION.” hmmmmm . . . sound familiar Nin?
Indeed — the TEMPTATION here is seen in the ORIGINAL pictorial depiction of Major Arcanum Six into the modern version of The Lovers which shows a young boy and girl embracing. In the ORIGINAL PICTURE it showed a young man being confronted and enticed by TWO girls — one on his right and one on his left. Each one of the two girls had her hand upon the young man’s arms — right and left. The girl on the right represented the RIGHT WAY and the girl on the left represented the WRONG WAY. The young man’s eyes in the picture were TURNED TOWARD THE GIRL ON HIS LEFT. And . . . the title of the card was . . . TEMPTATION. The angel in the cloud overhead has a BOW (TNT you said “YEW”) with a drawn ARROW aimed at the girl on the young man’s left. THE YOUNG MAN IS BEING TEMPTED TO GO ON THE WRONG PATH. The arrow is Cupid’s momentary surge of LUST enticing the young man onto the WRONG path.
Of course, this is a direct analogy of just what we have been discussing. There is an enticing DECEPTION being perpetrated by this carefully prepared and orchestrated “disclosure” and it is DESIGNED to lead people AWAY from the Truth and the RIGHT WAY.
Some things are VERY enticing about Corey’s delivery about the SSP. One of them — which I think is false — is the VAST OVEREXPANSIVE VIEW of what he refers to as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomorate — the “ICC.” He states that humankind from planet earth is particularly creative and adept at manufacturing certain highly sophisticated advanced technologies and that the ICC is presently involved in manufacturing “goods” to supply 90 extraterrestrial civilizations. Absolute bs IMHO.
I will get back to my Tarot reading in a moment but first I would like to add here that one of the main RED FLAGS about this whole “disclosure” is the effort being put forth to convince us that extraterrestrial civilizations ARE JUST LIKE US. And, that means, a bunch of continual CONSUMERS ONLY INTERESTED IN NEW GADGETS AND CREATURE COMFORTS.
These ET “civilizations” are pictured as “TOTALLY SELF SEEKING THAT WHICH IS IN THEIR OWN INTEREST ONLY. They are depicted as HIGHLY COMPETETIVE and highly involved in “dog eat dog” social Darwinism, political manipulations, conflicts of self-interest etc.
In other words — our Criminal Cabal is trying to NORMALIZE their own criminal behavior in our eyes by telling us that this kind of behavior is NORMAL FOR THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AS IS CONSTANT WARFARE AND ONE-UPSMAN-SHIP. They are trying desperately to avoid ARREST at this point. They would like for us to believe that “IT IS A DOG EAT DOG UNIVERSE AND ONLY THE POWERFUL AND RUTHLESS DESERVE TO SURVIVE BECAUSE THAT IS JUST THE WAY THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE OPERATES.” And . . . that is . . . the BIGGEST LIE OF ALL.
Now back to my Tarot reading:
The second card which appeared was of the Minor Arcanum — the ACE OF WANDS. This in some of the modern decks is called The King of Rods. The meaning is the same and (in context) it spells out the benefits of having MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE AFTER THE TEMPTATION OF MAJOR ARCANUM SIX. Those outcomes are: inspiration, power, creativity, new beginnings and great potential.
The third and last card was also of the Minor Arcanum — the Nine of Cups. The meaning is: Wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction and MOST OF ALL . . . PERCEIVE WITH YOUR HEART RATHER THAN TRY TO FIGURE THINGS OUT COGNITIVELY. This. to me, means to go beyond cognitive logic and reasoning and energetically GROK a situation in order to understand its real meaning, intent and outcome. This we three have now done TOGETHER . . . and . . .
Now . . . I have a bit more to say about all of this and the importance of it. I will now do that in another reply.
Hmmmm . . . I think I just spotted an error (or slight glitch) in my Tarot reading. GURK! Yep . . . after all this time. It is the paragraph which begins . . .
“Indeed β the TEMPTATION here is seen in the ORIGINAL pictorial depiction of Major Arcanum Six into the modern version of The Lovers which shows a young boy and girl embracing.”
This modern version misses the real meaning because the idea of “TEMPTATION” is completely redacted.
And . . . at the end of that paragraph, I should have added that the angel with the yew bow and the arrow also has the arrow pointed at the girl on the left to show that the TEMPTATION should be resisted and eliminated by the young man. It is a heavenly WARNING.